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Old 07-24-2007, 02:53 PM
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The scripture (albeit possibly misapplied) that always comes to my mind is...

Mar 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

When I read the bolded portion I think of study of doctrines as "drinking in" what is being presented. I study it with an open mind trusting that, should this turn out to be a deadly doctrine, it will not hurt me.

If I become dogmatic then I place myself in a position of being poisoned... but when I search putting my trust in His ability to lead me rather than my own ability to find truth then I find safety in His promises.
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:55 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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I've asked the rhetorical question.... "If you gave 50 people a bible who had NO preconceived idea's about Christianity, told them to read it and find out just who Jesus is and how to be saved, what would be the consensus?"

For one thing, I believe there would be at least 50 different answers to that question BUT would be some general similarities in belief as well. What would they be?
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
As Keith4Him would probably point out here... we are a body and the whole is a blessing unto itself.

When we all come together with our own thoughts then we find that iron does indeed sharpen iron and we are blessed for having shared our thoughts one with the other.

Sometimes we are corrected... sometimes we are made stronger in our beliefs... but we are always blessed.
Amen! Well said!
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I've asked the rhetorical question.... "If you gave 50 people a bible who had NO preconceived idea's about Christianity, told them to read it and find out just who Jesus is and how to be saved, what would be the consensus?"

For one thing, I believe there would be at least 50 different answers to that question BUT would be some general trends similarities in belief as well. What would they be?
So many different views I am sure... just as you alluded to.

But... I would really love to hear them. I would love to hear a pure and untarnished view of the word such as an experiment of this sort might produce.

I just want to know Him as completely and as purely as I can.
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Old 07-24-2007, 03:39 PM
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Good stuff to think about.
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Old 07-24-2007, 04:11 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
Any thoughts you may have on the subject will be greatly appreciated.
I don't know what else to say but what I've already said several times. This type of medium, along with email, is a "cool" medium. Inflections, double meanings, tone, and inference guided by facial expressions are all lost. You can be laughing while you type something and your audience will interpret your writing as angry, or sad, or rude, or all three. Even the use of the generic "you" can be misinterpreted.

You can write something with a certain mood, intention, or meaning. But your readers will color it with whatever mood they are in at the moment they read it. There are regional differences in word usage and slang that further confound true communication of full meaning.

Neutral words, passive voice, and avoiding the use of the generic 'you' are all helpful in this regard. One of the more frequent misunderstandings is the interpretation of the author's use of 'you' generically as a specific accusation. But this is still only half the battle. So much of the replies to replies of posts is about clarification of misunderstanding even when tempers aren't rising.

We engage in what amounts to amateur publishing, and never even think of hiring an editor. We must be our own editors, filtering what we write before we post it such that we give ourselves the best chance for being understood and not giving offense (unless, of course, offense is our goal).

We should check our writing for unintentional double entendre, ambiguous meaning, and the potential for being interpreted as accusatory.

It isn't easy. But as people gain experience with these types of forums, and observe how such simple things can be misinterpreted, not only do they become more studied in their writings, but more lenient in their interpretations of the writings of others.

Look at the pages of smilies available to help convey tone. The problem is recognized at some level, but smilies alone won't fix it.

If you read something here, and it makes you angry, I recommend that you respond to it just as you would respond the first time you hear your young child unknowingly repeat a curse word. Curb your anger, ask them what they said, ask them where they heard it and if they know what it means - you get the idea.

We should grant leniency to the writings of others, and look for opportunities for misinterpretation in which we can give grace, mercy, and the benefit of the doubt.

We should ease in to familiarity with others very slowly. Teasing and friendly insults can get out of hand much more quickly with people that you've never met in person.

Tell me if you think this is helpful, it all seems obvious stuff to me. I guess some people on here are inexperienced in the corporate world of email, where each email could be your last email. The careful cultivate their carefulness and the careless cultivate the 'help-wanted' section.
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Old 07-24-2007, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
I don't know what else to say but what I've already said several times. This type of medium, along with email, is a "cool" medium. Inflections, double meanings, tone, and inference guided by facial expressions are all lost. You can be laughing while you type something and your audience will interpret your writing as angry, or sad, or rude, or all three. Even the use of the generic "you" can be misinterpreted.

You can write something with a certain mood, intention, or meaning. But your readers will color it with whatever mood they are in at the moment they read it. There are regional differences in word usage and slang that further confound true communication of full meaning.

Neutral words, passive voice, and avoiding the use of the generic 'you' are all helpful in this regard. One of the more frequent misunderstandings is the interpretation of the author's use of 'you' generically as a specific accusation. But this is still only half the battle. So much of the replies to replies of posts is about clarification of misunderstanding even when tempers aren't rising.

We engage in what amounts to amateur publishing, and never even think of hiring an editor. We must be our own editors, filtering what we write before we post it such that we give ourselves the best chance for being understood and not giving offense (unless, of course, offense is our goal).

We should check our writing for unintentional double entendre, ambiguous meaning, and the potential for being interpreted as accusatory.

It isn't easy. But as people gain experience with these types of forums, and observe how such simple things can be misinterpreted, not only do they become more studied in their writings, but more lenient in their interpretations of the writings of others.

Look at the pages of smilies available to help convey tone. The problem is recognized at some level, but smilies alone won't fix it.

If you read something here, and it makes you angry, I recommend that you respond to it just as you would respond the first time you hear your young child unknowingly repeat a curse word. Curb your anger, ask them what they said, ask them where they heard it and if they know what it means - you get the idea.

We should grant leniency to the writings of others, and look for opportunities for misinterpretation in which we can give grace, mercy, and the benefit of the doubt.

We should ease in to familiarity with others very slowly. Teasing and friendly insults can get out of hand much more quickly with people that you've never met in person.

Tell me if you think this is helpful, it all seems obvious stuff to me. I guess some people on here are inexperienced in the corporate world of email, where each email could be your last email. The careful cultivate their carefulness and the careless cultivate the 'help-wanted' section.
Many, many points of wisdom in this post.

Wisdom which seems obvious should always be taught because it only seems obvious to the wise and no one knows who it is that fits into that category on any particular subject.

In raising my children I have made it a point to not punish on first offense no matter how much the offense seems as though it should just be common sense. On first offense I stop and think... have I taught this to the kids. If I cannot answer yes then it is time to discuss and teach.

On forthcoming offenses then we know that this has been taught and they should know that this is wrong. I then have to judge whether we have intent to disobey or a simple failure to remember etc and judge each situation carefully.

But... I do my best to make it a practice that I not assume someone knows something even though it seems like common sense to me. It seems like common sense to me because this lesson was someplace in my past. It might not have been so for them.

Great words of wisdom... thanks for sharing.
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Old 07-24-2007, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
We have been discussing this on another forum and I thought I would start the same thread here for your commentary.

Here is my opening post...

We heard this weekend about a brother who planted a garden.

What he planted was marked "Watermelon" and when he planted it he did so with that understanding.

As the "watermelons" began to grow he saw that little watermelons were starting to grow.

Some would come by and say "Brother... I don't think those are watermelons" and he would reply "Oh yeah... they are definitely watermelons.

More and more comments were made that these weren't watermelons but he never once harbored even a moment of doubt because he knew... absolutely... that these were watermelons.

The watermelons were, admittedly, growing kind of oddly for watermelons.

Finally one day he realized that these were cucumbers. Now that he looked at them they looked exactly like cucumbers. When you look at them you think... how could anybody ever think that they were anything but cucumbers?

But, in his mind, they were watermelons and what he saw each day was skewed by what his mind thought was there.

Perception, predisposition, prejudice and just blind faith...

Their power is mightier than we can imagine.
That's interesting. I have been thinking of this thought for the past couple weeks....how there are many people, even Christians, who have wrong though patterns.

What they believe about God, themselves and others is just messed up...and because of this they never truely get victory over somethings or never truely grow in Christ. They constantly take 1 step forward and 1 step back.....

Strong holds of the mind...truely our biggest enemy is not our neighbor nor the devil....but often our own mind.
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Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 07-24-2007, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
This is another post from this thread...

This realization has brought me to a place where I question myself as best I can.

Admittedly we are ill equipped for true self examination but a realization of a need for said self examination goes a long way. At least for myself.

I try to keep every doctrine open for evaluation and re-evaluation. The realization of the power of perception lets me know that my judgment of whether something is true or not is, often, nothing more than a comparison against my own experiences & perceptions... and that... my friend... is not a very true measure.

This brings me to continual prayer that God show me truth beyond my own realm of thinking and help me maintain an open mind and an ability to to and fairly weigh what, at any given moment in time, I might not really believe.

This all results in a brokenness before God concerning what I believe having hope only in His promise to lead me and guide me into all truth.
I really like what's written here. I've never been afraid of staying open to more truth or illumination/shedding of light on the truth I already have.

The truth is ... a closed mind isn't going to even be willing to consider another viewpoint. Insecurity doesn't allow much either for conscious scrutiny & examination of what we already know or think we know and believe. Actually, a secure confident position and attitude is much more able and willing to look at a different perspective and examine objectively a challenge to our own belief system.

Although I feel pretty darn confident in what I believe, how I believe and why I believe it I'm open to hearing other ideas. I'm eager in fact to hear how other people think about doctrine and other issues. I'm looking always for that new little nugget of truth that I never saw before. As a result I'm still having the occasional lightbulb moments when new insight is gleaned from reading what others read, write and say.

Love, kindness, and acceptance of where a person is at at a given point in their journey is more likely to engage people and make them more open to receive the truth you're trying to share.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 07-24-2007, 10:56 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Although I feel pretty darn confident in what I believe, how I believe and why I believe it I'm open to hearing other ideas. I'm eager in fact to hear how other people think about doctrine and other issues. I'm looking always for that new little nugget of truth that I never saw before. As a result I'm still having the occasional lightbulb moments when new insight is gleaned from reading what others read, write and say.
I'm amazed at how things still occasionally pop out to me as "duh! that was obvious!" in something that I thought I knew forward and backward.
For instance there was an "Ah ha!" moment when reading and thinking about the well know parable of the workers who received their talents. We all know that the "villain" of the story is the worker who buried his. One thing that jumped out at me is when the master said -to paraphrase, "you could have at least put it in the bank to earn interest!". If simply putting it in the bank to earn a tiny bit of interest was not acceptable, would the master have said "You could have least put it in the bank!"?
You know what this SCREAMS to me? That God is looking for SOMETHING. Anything. The bar He wants us to reach is to see fruit. ANY fruit. In other words, don't let yourself be beat over the head by guilt for not measuring up! Just do SOMETHING. Once you take any performance criteria out of the picture you actually WILL do more.

The tale is that the Lord is very pleased when we do a lot for Him. But He "simply" requires us to do something, no matter what it is. It is not a story to be used as a tool to frighten the "flock" into more and more works.
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