Originally Posted by Steve Epley
My question has always been how can a plastic earbob costing a few bucks be an ornament and a ring on the hand with a diamond not be? Or take the ring off the hand place it in the ear THEN it becomes jewelry???? Makes no sense to me????
NOT & NOR are using with gold in these epistles I think I understand without a Greek lesson what NOT means.
My question has always been how can folks miss the fact that Paul and Peter both were adressing adorning the hidden man of the heart.
The 400 year old language of the KJV probably trips some up. people who do not take into account the idoms of the KJV laguage misss the fact that both passages were had the emphasis on the adorning with the love of God. To let Christ in you be what is shining in your lives, not your ornamanets/clothing and fancy hair doos.
This was also addressed because of people of so many economic levels.
Peter and Paul both desired that the poor could worship together with people of great wealth and not feel like they "went to the prom wothout a tux or a formal"
The wealthy could hire hairdressers to fix their hair elaboratly and don lavish costly clothing and addorn themselves with the jewelry that the hebrews were accustommed to wearing in that day.
The scriptural admonition was to admonish the rich that is was Christ, the hidden man of the heart, that counted in their lives, NOT how fancy they got dolled up for church.
This a lesson we can all apply in our lives today.
It was NEVER about the simple adornment of the jewelry they all wore.
It was NEVER about being able to dress nice
It was NEVER about if you wore your hair up or down ladies.
It was abouting adorning with Christ.
If you don't believe it that way. Well, I pray for you...cause you ar ejust plain wrong !