Originally Posted by Rhoni
I do think there should be more accountability for Pastors everywhere. They should be paid and a list of responsibilities should be itemized:
The new age Pastors run their churches very different from those of the past:
* a saint has to make an appt with the church admin/or sect to get an appt. and if they don't show up it is fine, if you don't show up then you are rude.
I know larger churches require appointments. That's no big deal. Shoot, I set appointments for a hair cut, some dinner reservations and other things. Why not with the pastor. If he misses, that's on him. Guess I've been blessed to have pastors who kept their appointments or contacted me in advance to reschedule or cancel it.
Originally Posted by Rhoni
* in order to do anything/get approval one has to go through a chain of authority from the bottom to the top so that if the plans fall through then there is someone other than leadership to blame it on.
I've had several times where I had to work through the chain of command. As long as you have a good system of documentation in place, it's nothing to worry about. Though I did have one time that the buck didn't stop where it should have.
Originally Posted by Rhoni
* for security and insurance purposes, or because a VIP things you should...all members should go through a new converts class/membership class and be accepted into fellowship regardless of whether they have been in the church, ministry, or paid their tithes all their life.
New Converts/New Members class does several things. It gives you the history of the church you're becoming a part of; it helps integrate you into the various ministries of the church; and it introduces you to other members of the church. It's a good thing, not a bad thing.
Originally Posted by Rhoni
* Pastors do not counsel others in their congregation if their tithes are not paid up in full with doc. proof.
I know of some churches who don't consider you a member if you don't pay tithes.
A few years ago in another stated I lived in, there was a Catholic church that had annual financial overviews with their saints. Each saint met with the leadership and they'd open the saints financial records to see what income was brought in and then they would set the tithes and offering amount for the next year.
That's a little excessive, I think. But I believe other churches, possibly even the Mormon church here does the same.
As far as not counseling if tithes aren't paid up. Why would you want counseling from a pastor or ministry you're not supporting? Do people expect to receive free counseling from other places?
Originally Posted by Rhoni
* The prosperity message is preached every offering time.
I've heard of some wild offering messages . . . but I've never experienced one. Usually the standard for offering is, (paraphrasing) "We're asking our Ushers to come and take the tithes and offering. If you're here as a guest or visitor, please don't feel as though you must give in the offering."
Now a campmeeting or conference is a completely different story. Those are generally long and drawn-out.
Originally Posted by Rhoni
* The first thing to go out the door if remodeling is the kitchen and dining area because we have forgotten that our churches were built on the blood sweat and tears over hot peanut brittle, and working women who built the church
Hmmm...need to be careful here. But hot peanut brittle and working women never built a church I've been in. It's been prayer, fasting, home bible studies and visitation that's built the church. *grin*