This book was recommended to me by Bro Esaias.
New Testament History
Its Religious, Political, and Philosophical Context
This highly acclaimed book provides a wealth of fascinating information on the Roman and Jewish background of the New Testament, the life of Jesus, and the history of the early church. Kirkus Reviews summarizes: “Professor Bruce begins . . . discussing the political, social, intellectual and religious situation of the Hebrew nation as the background to Christ and Christianity. The life of Jesus is treated as a single phase of this era, with major emphasis reserved for the diffusion of Pauline Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. The book closes with . . . the position of Christianity in the Empire at the end of the New Testament period.” “An outstanding resource” (LibraryThing website). “The book on Church History for which we have been waiting.” (Christian Graduate)
Print edition, published by Galilee / Doubleday
462 pages, paperback