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06-04-2019, 08:02 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
On the basis of things you have written and also things others have written about you I have believed you to be a full preterist. One who believes and teaches that Jesus came for the Church in 70ad. That the dead Christians were then raised and the entirety of Matt 24 and the book of Revelation have all been fulfilled at that time.
If this is NOT true, if you are not a full preterist, if these are not your beliefs please tell us WHAT ARE YOUR BELIEFS concerning the coming of Jesus for the Church, the resurrection of the dead and whether you believe we are in the New Heavens and the New Earth right now.
It should not be hard. If I have been wrong and you do not believe these things I will apologize to you.
You said to me:
Mike, I tried this before remember? I tried to explain the word ἀέρα. You blew it off, and chased you for a couple of posts. Saw that it was futile.
Apologize to me? No need, I don't respect you, so your apologies are meaningless to me. I don't see you as someone who is sincere in anything more than self publishing. Looking for Fort Lauderdale housewives to baptize.Mike, you are a religious looney, who makes statements that a preacher cannot be motivated by God to preach against facial hair, but God will tell you to wear burlap shirt and street preach. You defend a singer who sings that Jesus broke the law to save him, and teach that Satan is piloting flying saucers. You are a nut job, a religious nut job. Who has convinced himself that he is a super hero for YAH. So, with all that being said, Mike, your apologies, curses, sticking pins in the avatar photo of my family and I mean zero to me. I asked you to have a discussion with me concerning the temple, you declined. So, there you go, you would of had a full plate.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

06-04-2019, 08:05 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Esaias
Your name is Chris, isn't it?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

06-04-2019, 08:06 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Let Dom lay it out. He is the Mayor. He can handle it.
Michael? Are you jealous?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

06-04-2019, 08:09 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,052
Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Esaias
Your name is Chris, isn't it?
If I desired to discuss my real name, I'd not have an internet name. The net can be creepy place. You can call me whatever you like. Just don't call me late to dinner. lol

06-04-2019, 08:11 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Antipas
If I desired to discuss my real name, I'd not have an internet name. The net can be creepy place. You can call me whatever you like. Just don't call me late to dinner. lol
The state you live in...does it start with an O?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

06-04-2019, 08:12 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Zion aka TEXAS
Posts: 26,772
Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Antipas
The net can be creepy place.
The irony is palpable.

06-04-2019, 08:13 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Esaias
The irony is palpable.
No doubt about that.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

06-04-2019, 08:18 PM
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Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Michael? Are you jealous? 
No. I just want to know WHAT YOU believe. I have asked you many times and you never do it just like right now.
You can lay it out for me to see without me having to stop every other word and go search the Greek. Or spend post after post arguing over the meaning of one word. Or every time I say something you ask three or four more questions.
Would you simply lay out a brief but concise statement of what you believe?
Or hows this. You always say its in the Eschatology section. Please just link me to it and I will go there.
If I am wrong about you I will apologize.
Why should this be so hard? If you think your position is correct why would you have a problem telling it?

06-04-2019, 08:40 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: I Will Aoplogize To Dom
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
No. I just want to know WHAT YOU believe. I have asked you many times and you never do it just like right now.
I guess you won't being caught up to meet Him in the air? Because now you are lying. Let's see....
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
You can lay it out for me to see without me having to stop every other word and go search the Greek. Or spend post after post arguing over the meaning of one word. Or every time I say something you ask three or four more questions.
Here is it, it's called garbage. You don't want to deal with a Greek word? You started a thread about the Greek, but when everyone didn't float your way, you went post after post. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Right Mikey?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Would you simply lay out a brief but concise statement of what you believe?
Oh, you mean like this, immediately after the tribulation of those days? that's what you mean right? Because that is the extant of what you want? I ask questions because YOU are never clear about your eschatology. Therefore we never really see you down in the eschatology section. Because like the video of you I posted, it is filled with maybes, could bes, and might bes. Mike, that's not teaching, and if you don't know what you even believe, why bother? Every time you say something I ask three or four more questions? So, that would mean you aren't a teacher, you are just a talking head, and one who will not answer questions. You just want to watch the monkey dance while you fire bullets at its feet. Instead of you being in the cat seat. Nice Mike, real nice. You want women to lead, not men, because you don't do well around men? They ask too many questions, instead of fawn over the pearls you drip from your lips?
Apologies to me, again, Mike, you are a liar, and that is why I will continue to taunt you. Maybe I'm Elijah, and you? The Prophet of Baal?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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