Originally Posted by houston
You know who he is? I didn’t realize he did that, or maybe I forgot.
His unraveling took years... documented here on and at AFF. I guess he finally wholely and completely embraced and sought out error.
When you state that only a few apostolics may be saved but you can’t discern that your church is operating through a counterfeit and deceiving spirit, honestly, I don’t even know how to finish that statement.
God help us all.
It is just the human experience, plain and simple. People leave the reservation and go native all the time. Yet, it is 'abundantly clear" that they just aren't willing to leave, but they go wee wee wee all the way home. Self justification, about why they are on the right path, and why we are not. people leave marriages, relationships, children, religions, jobs, homes, making the same arguments. Why is the ex spouse always painted to be the bad guy? You just don't hear a sad story, but sometimes you get a horror show. Leaving a job, all sorts of reasons, some good, some not, some odd. relationships which lasted years, end over the stupidest things, but people make some great arguments to why they were right and the others wrong.
If the forum has taught us anything, it should teach us this, that people are nuts. Certifiable, and thoroughly out of their minds. Religion is like LSD, where you can't get off the trip. We just need to surround ourselves with good people who love God and are not afraid to tell us that we are wrong. My mother use to say this "your friends will never tell you the truth, but I'll tell you the truth." meaning your friends tip toe through the land minds of relationships to not offend. While your parents want much more for you. Therefore they will go out of their way to stop you from going off in the wrong direction ( or should anyway) That is what a good church family should do, with its elders. Everyone helping each other reach a higher level without the devil. Internet forums have no accountability, and if someone is sinking fast, or getting into the surf engine to hell, the forum may send them off the deep end sooner. Or they could possibly get turned around. Which isn't an everyday occurrence. But people who are trusted and faithful brethren who are in close reachable proximity to us who are ready to tell us how the cow ate the cabbage. Make the greatest difference to us and to our family.