Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Wine is for the Lord’s supper, communion.
Not social drinking.
I agree that wine is for communion.
I do not agree that wine is NOT for social drinking.
This issue amuses me. Why do we teach against drinking? We all know the drill. How many weddings (weddings are social occasions), have we attended where the minister performing the ceremony invokes the scripture that Jesus' first miracle was performed at a wedding? It is used to lend credibility to the marriage ceremony, as it should be. Have you heard this?
Now that almost everybody is waving their hands, let me ask this. How many times have you heard it commented on that Jesus' first miracle was making wine, out of water?! I'm not seeing as many hands, for some odd reason.
It is a cultural thing. Perhaps it is a remnant of our puritanical roots. It is however, NOT based on Bible.
Wine was for social drinking. It still is. It was for celebrations. It still is for celebrations. It was for everyday consumption. It still is.
Jesus drank wine. Paul instructed Timothy to drink a little wine for his health. This is all found in the scripture.
I am feeling convicted. I have a dirty little secret.
I don't drink wine or ANY alcoholic beverages.
Do you think there is any hope for me to be saved?
I am so ashamed. And I pretend to be a follower of Christ! I need to do better. Lord, I hope it is not a salvational issue.

Maybe I'll go out and buy a bottle of wine. But what if my church members (or my pastor), see me?
What's a body to do.