Originally Posted by Esaias
Why assume it is God "impressing" something on you?
If you already assume it is God, then you must follow that. But the question is how do you initially determine your impressions are from God to begin with?
"Well, it FEELS like God!" sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Great question. That ties us back to the Word.
But my point is about "interpretation". For example, when the Holy Spirit began to reveal Oneness to those Pentecostal Trinitarians early in the 20th century. The Holy Spirit was challenging their traditional Trinitarian interpretation of the Scriptures, even though that interpretation was well over 1,000 years old.
Jesus said,
John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
So, there is a certain recognition of His voice.
If the Spirit challenges even the most historic or traditional interpretations, we do well to follow the Spirit.
Now, I will say this... if one misunderstands the Spirit or if one only "thinks" they heard the Spirit whatever understanding the Spirit brought them to will run dry as it relates to spiritual refreshing. I return to my example of early 20th century Trinitarians receiving the revelation of Oneness; I have little doubt that those who truly received the understanding of Oneness would find remaining a Trinitarian spiritually satisfying.