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Old 10-25-2016, 01:33 AM
Servant's <3 Servant's <3 is offline
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Re: Christians Must vote for Donal Trump

This belongs in political discussion does it not?
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Old 10-26-2016, 09:38 AM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
When confronted with a dangerous evil woman who wants to destroy this Christian nation, it is the obligation of all true Christians to vote for Donald Trump in order to avoid the destruction of Christianity in America.
Good grief. It is NEVER the obligation of any Christian to vote for wickedness and lewdness. Pride, conceit, and uncontrolled arrogance. Someone who traffics in lies, slanders, mocking, abusive and unclean speech (publicly and with neither shame nor remorse) innuedo, or outright explicitly lascivious things, and personal insults of the disabled, the overweight, those deemed by him to be stupid,etc, etc.

He's an admitted adulterer, and that's only the tip of the iceberg (see story CNN ran about his Howard Stern show comments). He's a casino tycoon. He has ties to 2 of the 3 most wicked immoral destructive industries in our world (gambling and pornography--to my knowledge Donald isn't tied to drugs).

He's morally deficient in every way.

Sure he says he's pro life, but he's on the record prior saying he's pro choice. Do you really believe he's passionate about the unborn? Do you really believe a man who commits adultery and brags of walking through the backstage area and looking at all the naked beauty pageant contests REALLY cares about abortion? Maybe he'd be better than Hillary there, but I don't believe he'd do a thing to address it. He'd probably roll with the status quo. Do you really believe he'd do anything to support traditional marriage? Do you really believe he'd put strong constitutional conservatives on the supreme court? Do you really think giving one of the most arrogant, petulant, conceited men on the planet the most powerful office in the world is a good idea? Do you believe a word he says?
I don't.

I am under no obligation to vote for this man, nor for Hillary, who is even worse.
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Old 10-26-2016, 11:25 AM
Birddog Birddog is offline
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Re: Christians Must vote for Donal Trump

HRC is the physical embodiement of the Anti-Christ. She is a open satanist who has went once a year to California to a large satanic gathering held there.

There is no way a Christian can vote for HRC and still stay a Christian.
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Old 10-26-2016, 10:02 PM
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Re: Christians Must vote for Donal Trump

Originally Posted by Birddog View Post
HRC is the physical embodiement of the Anti-Christ. She is a open satanist who has went once a year to California to a large satanic gathering held there.

There is no way a Christian can vote for HRC and still stay a Christian.
I also have read in the Readers Digest that Hillary carries a Bible with her, and is a bible-believing Methodist.


9. Clinton is a woman of faith
On CNN.com, Hillary Clinton biographer Carl Bernstein said: “When [Clinton] was in the White House and being vilified by particularly conservative Republicans, she was going to prayer breakfasts with the wives of many of those far-right conservative Republicans. And she never let it be known that she was going to those prayer breakfasts. The same when she became a senator … Her Methodism is absolutely essential to understanding who she is. She carries a Bible with her and reads it in cars and on planes … She knows it.”
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Old 10-26-2016, 10:05 PM
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Re: Christians Must vote for Donal Trump

To see the Reader's Digest article on Facts about Donald Trump, go here:


14. Trump can already declare a victory
On Townhall.com, Jack Kerwick wrote: “I’m not backing Trump because of what he promises to do in the future. I’m backing him because of what he’s done already. Trump has been a one-man wrecking crew, shattering the sacred cows of both the Democrat and Republican wings of the establishment … Whether he wins or loses in November, Trump has already won, for he’s succeeded in emboldening scores of Americans who would have otherwise remained disengaged, Americans who will not go quietly away or back to voting for Bushes, Kasichs, and Romneys. He has made it acceptable, indeed, necessary, to talk aloud about issues that had long been neglected by partisans of both parties.”
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