While Rudy was a great leader during the 911 crisis, I have serious reservations about his conservative politics. Fred has been divorced as well, but I don't think he threw it in the face of his ex-wife like Rudy has done. Rudy's actions, IMO, are inexcuseable.
I think Fred would be the better leader all the way around. He really doesn't seem like a "politician" to me like the others. He really doesn't "need" to be president and it doesn't look like he "lusts" after it like the others do.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
While Rudy was a great leader during the 911 crisis, I have serious reservations about his conservative politics. Fred has been divorced as well, but I don't think he threw it in the face of his ex-wife like Rudy has done. Rudy's actions, IMO, are inexcuseable.
I think Fred would be the better leader all the way around. He really doesn't seem like a "politician" to me like the others. He really doesn't "need" to be president and it doesn't look like he "lusts" after it like the others do.
Fred has only been married twice while Rudy has three times!
On a serious note I agree with you. I admire Rudy and think he is a great leader but his personal life has just been way too messy for me. The fact that he was openly living with his girlfriend while still married to one of his wives is not the example of upright living I want in the White House.
I am not one of those that can totally seperate a person's ability from their ethics and integrity in their personal life.
The part in parenthesis could have gone all day without saying... yet if I reply I will be accused of leading a perfectly good thread into the ditch.
LOL! you are right, I am guilty of trying to draw you off sides. you didnt bite!
for those that dont know, the Mendoza line in baseball is related to a guy who batted .200 (Mendoza). if you fall below that line, you arent a good enough hitter to stay in the bigs.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
LOL! you are right, I am guilty of trying to draw you off sides. you didnt bite!
for those that dont know, the Mendoza line in baseball is related to a guy who batted .200 (Mendoza). if you fall below that line, you arent a good enough hitter to stay in the bigs.
Well... I know what it is... now... but I had to look it up first.
With thanks to Wikipedia for curing my ignorance of the phrase.
From a pure electibility standpoint, I think there are only 2 in this race that have a chance.
the others do not have any kind of star power. the sad fact is, in this election for a Republican to win, based on the current presidents approval numbers, the Republican nominee is going to have to have massive star power.
Rudy as it has been pointed out, has skeletons. Rudy however, did a very good thing for his political carreer. He didnt try to hide them in a closet. everyone knows about Rudy's life. I dont think it will hurt him one bit.
I do agree with everyone here though, that as a republican and a christian, I am not comfortable with his lifestyle.
Thompson being a Star in his own right, gets a free pass I suspect. It remains to be seen if he has the drive to meet the schedual it will take. (He hates campainging)
This is the interesting point for Christians. on the Judiciary, Both of these men have said that Antonin Scalia is thier prototype judge.
Thompson has stated that he beleives Roe is bad law and the individual states should make their own laws on Abortion. I think this will be the direction Rudy takes as well.
I will say that Rudy has very spicific plans for what he wants to do and how to go about it.
Both Rudy and Thompson are strong on border security.
i want Thompson but so long as Rudy will appoint conservitive judges that will drive the abortion debate back to the states I will be happy.
Rudy has also pointed out that he reduced the number of abortions drastically while mayor of NYC. he has articulated plans to do the same on the national level.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
__________________ Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces. | Etienne de la Boetie