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Old 09-18-2015, 03:27 PM
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

Actually the Apostolic Standard was Elder M. E. Burr's paper that preceded the forming of the AMF. He was writing in defense of the Sovereign Church. This stance caused him to be dropped from the UPC(illegally according to the Manuel I might say) from this the AMF was formed.
The prominent men who were associated with him were:
Verbal Bean
H. B. Morgan
A. L. Obrien
C. W. Shew
Ray Majors
B. A. Spell
Carl Ballestero
Paul Jordan
R. W. Cavaness
Jimmie Davis
C.R. Free
C. M. Duplissey
Donald Haymon
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Old 09-18-2015, 04:08 PM
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

Yes sir,
I was refer to the current. Good men still putting out the Standard.

On the front cover of the #1 Apostolic Standard it does in fact have Eld. Murray E. Burr as the editor. And has Eld. Ray Rajors as the circulation manager.

From the front cover it gives the pledge of the Apostolic Standard by Elder Murray Burr, and an article by him entitled "the case for the sovereign church." With a eight page article emphasizing the need for an autonomous church.

Next is an excerpt from A.D Urshan's magazine "Witness of God" by Elder Bill Brighton entitled "The way of the Eagles." That is a three-page article..

I also thought it noteworthy that the price is listed on the subscription form on the last page that says they are $.15 each if you order 10 or more and a one year subscription is two dollars!
Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!

Last edited by J.A. Perez; 09-18-2015 at 04:23 PM.
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Old 09-18-2015, 06:06 PM
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

I grew up reading the Apostolic Standard .... I didn't realize the AMF started in 1968, I thought it was in the 70s. So, I learned something today, lol!
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Old 09-18-2015, 07:32 PM
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J.A. Perez J.A. Perez is offline
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

This is from GGM intl, Therefore I cannot confirm its validity.
But it is a good read none the less.

In August of 1968, a group of approximately 72 ministers, namely associated with the United Pentecostal Church International, met in Baker, Louisiana for the first "General Council of Elders" of the newly formed Apostolic Ministers Fellowship (AMF). The AMF was formed due to a growing unrest among the majority of its constituency (while still in the UPCI) concerning the autonomy of pastors over their individual congregations. Elder M.E. Burr is the person of interest in the initial formation of the AMF. It seemed that he had experienced personal disagreements with the Texas, District Board, and in particular with District Superintendent, V.A. Guidroz. This unrest led to a gathering of support from several ministers around the country who were sympathetic toward his position.

A special meeting was held in July 1968, at C.W. Shew's church in Fort Worth, Texas, prior to the August, Conference in Baker. Many of the supporting minister's were present to show their favor toward the cause of self autonomy. C.W. Shew, Verbal Bean, R.C. Cavaness, Jimmy Davis, A.L. O'Brien, Carl Ballestero, and C.R. Free were among the list of some of the ministers who gave life to the AMF. When the movement was first started, it was intended to be a fellowship only! No eminent plans were made at the outset to form a distinct and separate organization. It was intended to be kept strictly as a fellowship of apostolic ministers, with hopes of maintaining a lifeline to the UPCI. However, when this attempt failed, the fellowship would eventually evolve over 16 years until it became a fully developed organization. This turning point took place in August, 1984 during the 16th Annual General Conference at Cincinnati, Ohio.

During this Conference, a congressional vote determined the new direction of the AMF. The revised Constitution and By-Laws stated that along with this new direction would come a new name as well. The Apostolic Ministers Fellowship, would now be called the Apostolic Churches International (ACI) taking on a global presence. One of the next steps taken was to sub-divide the organization into 9 separate districts (Central, Gulf Coast, Indiana, Louisiana, Midwestern, Northeastern, Southeastern, Texas, and Western) with a district elder appointed over each division. This eventually caused some in the organization to withdraw their membership, as they objected to this new approach of operation, which, for some, too closely resembled what they initially were opposed to in the first place. It had the appearance of the old system written all over it. Though not the exact same, some seemed uncertain where this new approach was going to lead.

When another group showed possible interest in forming under the name "Apostolic Ministers Fellowship", the ACI quickly reorganized with intentions of retaining the rights to its old name (AMF)! They reaffirmed this intention by adopting the name Apostolic Ministers Fellowship as a " doing business as" (DBA) agreement, thus, maintaining the name Apostolic Churches International as the corporate name, but using "Apostolic Ministers Fellowship" under the auspices of the ACI.

The Apostolic Ministers Fellowship has maintained throughout its existence a strict conservative view of holiness. Also, the AMF has maintained a very pro-active missionary program, supporting missionaries in various countries, including, Brazil, the Philippians, China, and others. The general chairman is elected by the lot system, and serves two year terms. There is no set number of terms for which they can serve.

The AMF operates under the leadership of a "General Council of Elders". Namely, the General Chairman, Assistant Chairman, and Secretary & Treasurer, including (12) Elders. It has no Bible Colleges, and does not favor women ministers. The AMF has one "General Conference" per year, generally held in August, with various other conferences throughout the year such as, Local Church and Pastoral Anniversaries, Camp meetings, and Youth Camps. It maintains a Missions Department, and a Missions Board. The Official Organ of the AMF is the " Apostolic Standard". This publication was started by the late Rev. Murray E. Burr, and has been distributed since the formation of the AMF in 1968.
Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!
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Old 09-18-2015, 08:30 PM
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

Originally Posted by J.A. Perez View Post
This is from GGM intl, Therefore I cannot confirm its validity.
But it is a good read none the less.

In August of 1968, a group of approximately 72 ministers, namely associated with the United Pentecostal Church International, met in Baker, Louisiana for the first "General Council of Elders" of the newly formed Apostolic Ministers Fellowship (AMF). The AMF was formed due to a growing unrest among the majority of its constituency (while still in the UPCI) concerning the autonomy of pastors over their individual congregations. Elder M.E. Burr is the person of interest in the initial formation of the AMF. It seemed that he had experienced personal disagreements with the Texas, District Board, and in particular with District Superintendent, V.A. Guidroz. This unrest led to a gathering of support from several ministers around the country who were sympathetic toward his position.

A special meeting was held in July 1968, at C.W. Shew's church in Fort Worth, Texas, prior to the August, Conference in Baker. Many of the supporting minister's were present to show their favor toward the cause of self autonomy. C.W. Shew, Verbal Bean, R.C. Cavaness, Jimmy Davis, A.L. O'Brien, Carl Ballestero, and C.R. Free were among the list of some of the ministers who gave life to the AMF. When the movement was first started, it was intended to be a fellowship only! No eminent plans were made at the outset to form a distinct and separate organization. It was intended to be kept strictly as a fellowship of apostolic ministers, with hopes of maintaining a lifeline to the UPCI. However, when this attempt failed, the fellowship would eventually evolve over 16 years until it became a fully developed organization. This turning point took place in August, 1984 during the 16th Annual General Conference at Cincinnati, Ohio.

During this Conference, a congressional vote determined the new direction of the AMF. The revised Constitution and By-Laws stated that along with this new direction would come a new name as well. The Apostolic Ministers Fellowship, would now be called the Apostolic Churches International (ACI) taking on a global presence. One of the next steps taken was to sub-divide the organization into 9 separate districts (Central, Gulf Coast, Indiana, Louisiana, Midwestern, Northeastern, Southeastern, Texas, and Western) with a district elder appointed over each division. This eventually caused some in the organization to withdraw their membership, as they objected to this new approach of operation, which, for some, too closely resembled what they initially were opposed to in the first place. It had the appearance of the old system written all over it. Though not the exact same, some seemed uncertain where this new approach was going to lead.

When another group showed possible interest in forming under the name "Apostolic Ministers Fellowship", the ACI quickly reorganized with intentions of retaining the rights to its old name (AMF)! They reaffirmed this intention by adopting the name Apostolic Ministers Fellowship as a " doing business as" (DBA) agreement, thus, maintaining the name Apostolic Churches International as the corporate name, but using "Apostolic Ministers Fellowship" under the auspices of the ACI.

The Apostolic Ministers Fellowship has maintained throughout its existence a strict conservative view of holiness. Also, the AMF has maintained a very pro-active missionary program, supporting missionaries in various countries, including, Brazil, the Philippians, China, and others. The general chairman is elected by the lot system, and serves two year terms. There is no set number of terms for which they can serve.

The AMF operates under the leadership of a "General Council of Elders". Namely, the General Chairman, Assistant Chairman, and Secretary & Treasurer, including (12) Elders. It has no Bible Colleges, and does not favor women ministers. The AMF has one "General Conference" per year, generally held in August, with various other conferences throughout the year such as, Local Church and Pastoral Anniversaries, Camp meetings, and Youth Camps. It maintains a Missions Department, and a Missions Board. The Official Organ of the AMF is the " Apostolic Standard". This publication was started by the late Rev. Murray E. Burr, and has been distributed since the formation of the AMF in 1968.
Very good.
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Old 09-18-2015, 09:47 PM
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Very good.
What is the status of the AMF / ACI fellowship currently? How many ministers are a part of it? Is that number more or less than in the past? Has the formation of the WWCF as a more conservative alternative to the UPCI affected AMF / ACI membership?
"I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"

Titus2woman on AF

"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.

"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.

"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."

Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
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Old 09-19-2015, 12:52 AM
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J.A. Perez J.A. Perez is offline
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

This is some of what's included in the 'Our Heritage' Book- Western District California and Nevada. 1900-1977

I cant figure out how to separate he pages of each pdf file. there are about 30 pages in each file. They are about 2000kb's -100,000kb. and about 7 files.

I did notice here is a list of the 1927 P.M.A. organized churches.

One of them is Oakland
Pastor Harry Morse

Several pages in between.

Another picture at a P.M.A. Conference in Lodi CA in1932

Pentecostal Ministerial Aliance with about 12-13 Preachers. Crow, Hayes, Guy, ? Kidson, Wine, Morse, Yadon, Farrow, Toole, Johnson, Resniscel,

Several pages in between.

Then another Meeting.

The Pacific Coast Regional Conference and Fellowship Meeting.
Under the auspices of the Pentecostal Church, INC.
(formerly P.M.A.)

At the Pentecostal Apostolic Church on Tuolumne Blvd in Modesto CA.
Pastor Earl Tool

For info write;
Earl Toole, Modesto
Harry Morse 3370 62nd Ave. Oakland CA
J.A. Johnson, Lodi CA

There is also included a 2"x3" Photo of Harry Morse
And the caption reads...
" Bro. Harry Morse, District Secretary, P.C.I.
Oakland, California "
Im just doing my best, untill I learn to do better. Thank God I'm not what I used to be!

Last edited by J.A. Perez; 09-19-2015 at 12:55 AM.
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Old 09-19-2015, 01:32 AM
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

Thanks !!!
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Old 09-19-2015, 03:58 PM
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
What is the status of the AMF / ACI fellowship currently? How many ministers are a part of it? Is that number more or less than in the past? Has the formation of the WWCF as a more conservative alternative to the UPCI affected AMF / ACI membership?
The AMF suffered some internal problems that several men left but I don't know any of them that joined the WPF? All that I know that left are Independent. The group is significantly smaller I don't know the number?
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Old 09-19-2015, 04:00 PM
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Steve Epley Steve Epley is offline
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Re: Gospel Tidings magazine

Originally Posted by J.A. Perez View Post
This is some of what's included in the 'Our Heritage' Book- Western District California and Nevada. 1900-1977

I cant figure out how to separate he pages of each pdf file. there are about 30 pages in each file. They are about 2000kb's -100,000kb. and about 7 files.

I did notice here is a list of the 1927 P.M.A. organized churches.

One of them is Oakland
Pastor Harry Morse

Several pages in between.

Another picture at a P.M.A. Conference in Lodi CA in1932

Pentecostal Ministerial Aliance with about 12-13 Preachers. Crow, Hayes, Guy, ? Kidson, Wine, Morse, Yadon, Farrow, Toole, Johnson, Resniscel,

Several pages in between.

Then another Meeting.

The Pacific Coast Regional Conference and Fellowship Meeting.
Under the auspices of the Pentecostal Church, INC.
(formerly P.M.A.)

At the Pentecostal Apostolic Church on Tuolumne Blvd in Modesto CA.
Pastor Earl Tool

For info write;
Earl Toole, Modesto
Harry Morse 3370 62nd Ave. Oakland CA
J.A. Johnson, Lodi CA

There is also included a 2"x3" Photo of Harry Morse
And the caption reads...
" Bro. Harry Morse, District Secretary, P.C.I.
Oakland, California "
The majority of these men believed salvation at repentance opposed to the water and Spirit new birth message. Just a thought?
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