"Our top priority is the passionate care that we provide. In our video, one of our staff members speaks in a way that does not reflect that compassion," president Cecile Richards said in a video statement released Thursday afternoon.
"This is unacceptable, and I personally apologize for the staff member's tone and statements," she said.
Yeah, because her tone was the problem.
The President of PP claims they don't profit from "tissue donation." She uses the word "tissue" instead of "organs" to limit people's disgust at what really is happening. Oh, they're just donating tissue. That word is much easier for the populace to accept than if she admits, yes, we take organs of babies who have been crushed in a way to kill the baby while still keeping their organs intact.
In the video, PP's President didn't even argue about the substance of the video, that PP uses organs from murdered babies. Instead, she complains the video was heavily edited, attacks the group making it and then apologizes for the tone of her Sr. Director of Medical Services.
That's another problem for PP's President...this was the Sr Director of Planned Parenthood's Medical Services. This wasn't some nurse or aide or other low-level employee. This was a person who is in charge and coordinates PP's medical services; someone who has intimate knowledge of PP's bloody practices.
PP's President can try to apologize for this person's lack of compassion and the tone used, and she can try to use words like "tissue" instead of "organs," but it won't wash the blood from their hands nor change what PP does.
I hope this group has enough dirt and evidence to bury PP and put them out of business for good.