Originally Posted by jfrog
Anti sharia laws are dumb.
Agreed. And, if the shoe was on the other foot (i.e., the Oklahoma legislature had passed a law banning Christian practices), people would be bellyaching about it from here to New York City!
And the irony of the Oklahoma case is that the legislature was warned numerous times that they would be purchasing a lawsuit if they went ahead with this anti-"sharia law" measure. Sure enough, it happened, and sure enough, the judge found for the plaintiffs.
You can't ban something as generally nebulous as "sharia law" without running smack dab into the protection for religious belief in the First Amendment. (It is nebulous--in Saudi Arabia women aren't permitted to drive, but in every other Muslim country, it's not a problem. And that's just one thing.) It's not like the government can't come up with laws that do infringe upon religious practice and have them enforced when it can be shown that the practice itself is dangerous. Look at Texas--even though the FLDS polygamists thought their ways should trump Texas law, the state didn't buy it and successfully prosecuted several of Warren Jeffs' high-ranking male followers for polygamy. *wishes the state of Arizona would do the same to get rid of this scourge on the land*