This is a subject that can go round and round, on one hand some one says, God convicted me of wearing pants, (women) the fact is God did not convict you for the wearing of pants is not founded on sound scripture. God does not ask us to do something that is not clear in his word.
The very fact that there is debate on any given subject reflects that scripture is unclear on the subject.
What gets me is all of the doctrines that are debated, are not found in any of the teachings of Christ. Don't you think that in three and a half years of ministry that Christ would have taught on subjects like women wearing pants, or cutting hair or jewelry, makeup, or such topics. Instead he condemned phariseeism, and taught on how we are to relate to our fellow man.
In fact the one and only commandment of Christ was love God and love your neighbor as yourself, on these hinge all the law and prophets. Pray tell me how a women wearing pants, or the length of ones hair, or wearing makeup or jewelry relates to your relationship with your fellow man?
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
John, Chapter 14, 21: He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
1. Get a bible.
2. Open the bible to the Book of Matthew.
3. Start reading at chapter 5 verse 1.
4. Then when you come to a commandment for example...
such as this one
"Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works, and glorify your Father
which is in heaven."
You take that one commandment and master it to
the point, you obey it every day all day long.
Then you get another one and do the same.
You repeat this process over and over,
each commandment one by one.
If you can't find a commandment in the 5th chapter
that you want to start out with...go to the 6th.
Just keep reading till you find your first commandment
that you are going to start with.
If you do this...somewhere along the way you will figure out ... how a women wearing pants, or the length of ones hair, or wearing makeup or jewelry relates to your relationship with God.
If you do this...somewhere along the way you will figure out ... how a women wearing pants, or the length of ones hair, or wearing makeup or jewelry relates to your relationship with God.
Been there done that, I was raised in that mind set. Spending all my time trying to please God by my own righteousness. By the way none of what you speak of are commandments of Christ, they are principles to live by. Christ gave one commandment, love God, and love your neighbor as your self.
It really is very simple and elementary.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
Been there done that, I was raised in that mind set. Spending all my time trying to please God by my own righteousness. By the way none of what you speak of are commandments of Christ, they are principles to live by. Christ gave one commandment, love God, and love your neighbor as your self.
It really is very simple and elementary.
Whoops, you beat me to it!
Been there done that, I was raised in that mind set. Spending all my time trying to please God by my own righteousness. By the way none of what you speak of are commandments of Christ, they are principles to live by. Christ gave one commandment, love God, and love your neighbor as your self.
It really is very simple and elementary.
You have not been there and done that and I am not wrong. And what I said are commandments of Jesus the Christ. And if I prove undeniably right here on this thread that you do not know what you are talking about...what then?