Originally Posted by FlamingZword
The quote
"I sat by God the Holy Spirit. Did you know that God is three persons, Dad?"
Just totally does not fit with the ideas of a child.
This quote itself generates a mountain of questions.
This thing is definitely not for real.
When this whole fraud comes out, it will only serve to embarrass Christianity.
Sad indeed how this child has been manipulated.
Well, isn't that why they put the whole thing together in the first place?
I'm not saying this is the case, but what if Ted Haggard and the homosexual masseuse was all set up? Here you have the preacher who was beating his drum on the soap box in Jesus Camp documentary and then in a documentary with the atheist scientist Richard Dawkins? Then all of sudden low and behold Mr Ted "NO Same Gender Marriage" Haggard has not only a boyfriend but is snorting coke with the guy?
Life stranger than fiction?
Not trying to start another conspiracy theory.
But sometimes things happen, that can make you wonder?