Originally Posted by Originalist
He is unjustly being persuaded to feel pressured by outside forces. Or should I say, he's allowing himself to feel pressured. But the pressure is not coming from his wife. She simply wants space on the issue. How does that bring pressure? No, what's bringing pressure is his concern over how a pastor will feel.
I'm sorry you feel this way......it is NOT true......there happens to be people in this world who are not pressured to believe in the validity/practice of standards (markers of sanctification.) They have studied the Word and have concluded that the Bible really does teach them. (A conclusion you may not share......but is valid none the less.)
I assure you.....no one pressures me to believe what I believe, and I could care less what "others" think about what I do/do not believe.
That said.....I think that the OP (original poster) is asking a valid question about submission. I do not know her, and to really answer a question like this on a forum without all of the facts is probably not wise. Here is my short answer:
The divine order is God - Christ - Man - Woman - Children.....women are to submit to their husband in all things UNLESS the husband is asking them to sin. It is NOT a sin for a husband to require that his wife dress modestly and his definition of modesty is what counts. (It can be more restrictive that what the Bible teaches but not less.) It would be sin for the wife to disregard/disobey his conviction.
I realize my opinion will not likely be popular on this forum, however it is biblical. The husband is the spiritual head of his household NOT the other way around. (I realize that many men have abdicated their leadership, but that does not change God's plan.) God uses the natural to help us understand the spiritual many times......so just as we are not our own, the woman is not her own. She is not dressing to please herself or any other man/person; she is to dress to please her husband. Just as we are to please God. If God says don't go there, don't wear that, don't do that, to do otherwise is disobedience. We are his bride, yet we cannot just do what we feel like doing, we are to please him.
The husband is to love his wife, regardless, as Christ loved the church. Meaning that if she (the church) chooses not to do what he desires, commands, and directs her to do, God still loves his church.....is married to her even when she is backslid.....but she is in rebellion to HIS will and Word in her life. If she does not repent and submit to his desire, she will ultimately be lost. In like manner a husband is to love his wife, regardless of whether she does what he desires or not......but she IS in rebellion and will be lost if she does not repent.
And while we're here.....let's not forget that just "obeying" and going along with what her husband wants, but making it unbearable because she doesn't want to do it is still rebellion. Kind of like when I was a kid and my mom told me to sit down and be quiet......I told her "I may be sitting down on the outside but I'm standing up on the inside." It's a good thing I was sitting down.....I had less distance to travel to the floor.....lol
Fire away............