Originally Posted by TGBTG
Can you list some things that make you believe they're a new age cult?
Have you watched any of the webcasts or Bickle's messages? If not, go watch some. His beliefs on contemplative prayer is straight new age.
Check out IHOP's bookstore. It's filled with books that are on new age.
Fire Within Bickle says he wants this to be IHOP's "manual." It's a book on Catholics and mysticism.
Contemplative Prayer Here's what IHOP has for the book:
"He [Thomas Merton] brings together a wealth of
meditative and mystical influences from John of the Cross to Eastern desert monasticism to create a spiritual path for today. Most important, he shows how the peace contacted through
meditation should not be sought in order to evade the problems of contemporary life, but can instead be directed back out into the world to affect positive change. Contemplative Prayer is one of the most well-known works of spirituality of the last one hundred years, and it is
a must-read for all seeking to live a life of purpose in today's world."
Thomas Merton was a Catholic and mystic.
Dream Language
Lost Art of Practicing His Presence
John Goll is a false prophet. He claimed God spoke to him and told him Mitt Romney would win the election. After the election, of course, it was proven to be false and he wrote a blog complaining that people took his words out of context.
Forgotten Desert Mothers This book talks about finding new ways to communicate with God. Among these new ways is "centering prayer" and "Christian" meditation.
Combine what I've seen with what I've read in the news, on the site and from people previously associated with IHOP, that's why I wrote what I wrote.
And I stand by it.