Demons are spirits. They do not have physical bodies... nor do they have facial hair.
Now why would you have to go wrecking a perfectly silly argument with the facts?!
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin
The sad thing is, if Jesus walked into many a church, they'd try to pray him through, cause nobody with any facial hair is walking right with God, apparently...
It is impossible to teach against facial hair because the bible says to have it.
I listened to Steve Pixler's original sermon on this a few years ago (everyone should). It was nothing but an hour of very good common sense teaching on the subject but he was still nearly burnt alive by his more conservative brothers in the area. He made every effort to be as respectful as possible and gave all sorts of bows to his elders and "why it MAY have been necessary for this teaching in the past", but that wasn't enough for some.
On a serious note: God told Adam not to eat ......eve told serpent I can not touch......where did she get that she couldn't touch......Adam had to give it...was he wrong in Going beyond Gods word to protect the one he loved???. I say not.........ok to facial hair......can we agree leprosy is a type of sin......lev 13 commanded a leper to cover his upper lip so when anyone seen a man with hair on upper lip they knew from a distance he was unclean......why would a child of God want to look like a leper or wear a sign saying I'm unclean ......if we can accept that in principle a Pastor has a right to Teach against a mustache ..... Then why in the attempt to protect the ones he loves would anyone want to come against a pastor for teaching against facial hair in general ......aren't we commanded to shun the very appearance of evil..........
On a serious note: God told Adam not to eat ......eve told serpent I can not touch......where did she get that she couldn't touch......Adam had to give it...was he wrong in Going beyond Gods word to protect the one he loved???. I say not.........ok to facial hair......can we agree leprosy is a type of sin......lev 13 commanded a leper to cover his upper lip so when anyone seen a man with hair on upper lip they knew from a distance he was unclean......why would a child of God want to look like a leper or wear a sign saying I'm unclean ......if we can accept that in principle a Pastor has a right to Teach against a mustache ..... Then why in the attempt to protect the ones he loves would anyone want to come against a pastor for teaching against facial hair in general ......aren't we commanded to shun the very appearance of evil..........
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)
Scripture is its own interpreter. Nothing can cut a diamond but a diamond. Nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture" Thomas Watson.