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Old 05-30-2007, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by NobodyImportant View Post
This has been going on in some churches for a number of years.
The dowel rods (stick thing) was ignominously called "Stick it" by members of our old church. It was okay to watch at first, but felt like it was more of a show eventually and not terribly inspired IMO.
I enjoy good music, but do feel that when people are just dancing and not doing it for the Lord, then it is plainly carnal.
On a side note, Bro Stoneking once said "We may start out in the flesh, but we can end up in the Spirit" so with that in mind it is certainly possible for it to become towards the Lord. I just would not want to see it degraded to become something that is charismatic and ungodly.
I think it's hilarious that these two words automatically go together on this forum. Charismatic just means believing in the supernatural gifts; it is always used on this board almost as a bad word.
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Old 05-30-2007, 04:06 PM
Rev Dooley

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Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Ok, I don't think it is wrong either, but we were ALWAYS taught in UPC that it was "flesh" if you weren't "dancing in the Spirit". I'm just saying that 16 years ago, this would never have been accepted. If you have been in UPC all this time, you have probably not noticed the gradual progression. Being gone all these years, it was very obvious.
While I agree that some of it may be in the flesh (sensual gyrations and the like), I can't honestly say that all of it is.
I've been in the UPC for about 15 years, so I have seen it transition from what it was when we got there to what it is now. Some of the transition has been good.
I have seen where a lady went down front and lay down on the floor and started to lift her legs in the air, exposing herself. The ushers stepped in and stopped this for it was extremely innappropriate for any setting.
Many times I have seen folks start out moving then go into spirit. I see no problem with that whatsoever.
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Old 05-30-2007, 04:07 PM
Rev Dooley

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Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I think it's hilarious that these two words automatically go together on this forum. Charismatic just means believing in the supernatural gifts; it is always used on this board almost as a bad word.
Well, maybe to some, but I was once a charismatic so to me it is a bad term for it speaks of my own personal experience in the charismatic renewal.
I saw much ungodly behaviour there that was called holy. That is why I associate the two words together.
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Old 05-30-2007, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by NobodyImportant View Post
Well, maybe to some, but I was once a charismatic so to me it is a bad term for it speaks of my own personal experience in the charismatic renewal.
I saw much ungodly behaviour there that was called holy. That is why I associate the two words together.
I DO understand, since I have seen a lot of weird things out there too. My husband always says people can go from glory to goofy in a matter of seconds. I do not consider myself Charismatic in the sense of what group I would associate with. But I do believe in the charisms of the Holy Spirit. I just tell people we are Spirit filled Christians.
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Old 05-30-2007, 04:24 PM
Rev Dooley

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Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I DO understand, since I have seen a lot of weird things out there too. My husband always says people can go from glory to goofy in a matter of seconds. I do not consider myself Charismatic in the sense of what group I would associate with. But I do believe in the charisms of the Holy Spirit. I just tell people we are Spirit filled Christians.
Well, in that sense of the word, I can agree.
Glory to goofy...I might just use that one.
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Old 05-30-2007, 04:41 PM
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I have danced for many years....grew up black gospel with the swaying choir, sung at a lot of swaying churches, and this was always considered ok by the "white folk" cuz' it was "cultural". Now Hillsong United and others have brought a different angle to it, more jumping then swaying but I see no difference. I always feel so joyful when dancing for God. There have been some times that it has been uncontrolled in my many years but often I am in control and I absolutely LOVE it. I do it not for performance but to dance before Him. Does it look silly? Naw, I got some soul so I can move, but even if it did, I could care LESS what anyone thinks!
Our young people do it, and I'm glad they are in church praising God.
Our church youth also does, stick/sign and are VERY anointed.
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Old 05-30-2007, 05:17 PM
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How does one "Dance in the spirit" anyways??

All dancing is in the flesh, it is the purpose and attitude with which we do it that counts.

Are we dancing because of the music, the rythim, or because we are so full of Joy and grareful for all that God has d0one for us??

I just don't understand.

I dance when I feel the annointing, I dance when I don't.

I do it for the Lord.
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Old 05-30-2007, 05:19 PM
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Sister Alvear Sister Alvear is offline
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Hallal - to extol; to praise in words or singing; to boast; to celebrate; to make a show; to rave. used 99 times

Gil - to shout; to circle in joy. used 29 times

Tehillah - sing hallals. used 50 times

Saphar - recount; proclaim. used 18 times

Shabach - to shout; to praise the Lord with a loud tone. used 7 times

Ranan - to shout with joy. used 42 times

Zamar - to pluck strings of an instrument; to make music accompanied by the voice. used 40 times

Maha - to clap. used 1 time

Neginah - music; song. used 8 times

Nagan - to play a stringed instrument. used 2 times

Yadah - worship with extended hands; to throw your hands out like you're throwing spears. used 90 times

Barak - kneel; bless; salute; an act of adoration alone or as a group. used 70 times

Todah - lift up hands. used 32 times

Ragad - dance; skip about. used 1 time

Sahag - play; dance. used 4 times

Pazaz - leap. used 1 time

Mahallal - to act as if you have gone mad.


Ainesis, ainos, aineo - extol; to praise in words or singing; boast; celebrate. used 14 times

Epainos, epaineo - strengthen form of ainos. used 17 times

Exomologeomai - confess forth openly, freely. used 11 times

Humneo, humnos - to sing praises. used 6 times

Psallo - twitch, twang, play musical instrument. used 12 times

Eulogatos, eulogia - kneel; bless; salute. used 21 times

Allomai - leap. used 1 time

Gonupeteo - kneel down. used 4 times

Kampto - to bend the knee. used 2 times

Pipto - to fall to the ground. used 15 times

Proskuneo - to fall down and worship. used 42 times

Skirtao - to leap with joy. used 3 times
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Old 05-30-2007, 05:20 PM
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Monkeyman Monkeyman is offline

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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
How does one "Dance in the spirit" antways??

All dancing is in the flesh, it is the purpose and attitude with which we do it.

Are we dancing because of the music, the rythim, or because we are so full of Joy and grareful for all that God has d0one for us??

I just don't understand.

I dance when I feel the annointing, I dance when I don't.

I do it for the Lord.
Great post Ron. Folks you should try this....dance when your alone with God.
Speaking of uncontrolled....had a dude once who looked like he was kick-starting a motorcyle, wow, it was pretty, ummm, unusual! Good for him though!
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Old 05-30-2007, 05:21 PM

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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
How does one "Dance in the spirit" anyways??

All dancing is in the flesh, it is the purpose and attitude with which we do it that counts.

Are we dancing because of the music, the rythim, or because we are so full of Joy and grareful for all that God has d0one for us??

I just don't understand.

I dance when I feel the annointing, I dance when I don't.

I do it for the Lord.

The heavens don't have to open and the waters don't have to part.

I'm gonna do it because I want to do it... because he's made me happy.
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