Originally Posted by LifeUncommon
I was raised Pentecostal, so I have been to my share of foot washing services. But I have never understood their purpose.
I know th story of Jesus washing the feet as an act of humility and service. But what does mimicking that passage do for us?
When Jesus did it, it was needful and had significance. When we splash warm water on clean feet, it just seems silly at best, and a mockery at worst. We are in no way serving people by doing that.
It seems more fitting, if we want to serve like Jesus did, that we would find a needed and humble task and do that in rememberance of how he served.
But maybe I'm missing another point besides service. All constructive comments are welcome!
I take exception to the term "mimicking" as that in my opinion is not what foot washing is about.
First of all, Jesus said that ought you to do. That is enough for me.
Purpose? Go back and read the scriptures and see what the apostles were discussing before Jesus got up and began washing their feet. As most people do when working together someone is going to think they are the best, the most important, etc. But Jesus showed them by example to be great you must be a servant to each other.
It also has a purpose of bring humility as you bow before your brother or sister. You can't lord over someone on your knees.
You are walking into a dangerous error when YOU think to change what God said do and choose your own choice of what you will wash or not wash.
I have never understood why people fight washing one anothers feet and then claim it is not because they are too proud to do so.
What about communion that is also just an example of the body of Jesus. Surely you don't think you must eat blood and flesh to make it seem more appropriate, as though a dirty foot washed was His only intent in saying we OUGHT to wash each others feet.
If you go back to what God told the priest when He established the Tabernacle that if they did not wash their feet and hands they would die.
Some things we need to do just in obedience to God and not try to figure out the why of it.
Beware we are in the days of deception and becareful you are not deceived in thinking you know more than God does in what He stated in His Word what we are and are not to do.