Only the KJV puts it in red. The original Greek MSS did not use colors to distinguish the words of Jesus
Well the person did stipulate that it be the KJV.
I just think this is foolish when people put these huge dollar amounts (money they probably don't have anyway) and then set themselves up as judge and jury, denying clear evidence that is obvious to anyone who hasn't tightly closed their eyes, and put their fingers in their ears. Didn't the Church of Christ supposedly offer $1 Million dollars some years back if someone could prove that God did a miracle? Does this mean God doesn't do miracles? I have a 12 year old daughter who has healed of crippling JRA in 2004, w/o medicines (unless someone claims advil/tylenol "healed" her) and without surgeries (which the doctors were planning to do). I didn't even bother with the Church of Christ claim, because who cares, they're not going to really follow through with it.
Kent Hovind used to claim that his ministry would pay $250,000 to anyone who could provide even one evidence for evolution. I personally don't believe there is any evidence for evolution, but again, the chances of them actually forking over a quarter mil were 0%.
I confess, I've even been guilty of this, offering $1,000 (on a church postcard handed out in my community) to anyone that could prove that even one person in the NT was baptized in the titles Father, son, and Holy Ghost. I admit now that was silly (though obviously no proof could be provided).
But he thing about the opening post of this thread is that its claims are absolutely laughable. No serious biblical novice (generally speaking) would even deny that Jesus claimed to be God, and that He is presented in the Bible as God manifest in the flesh.
Rev 21 has already been mentioned, but what about Rev 1:8, is that not a $10,000 scripture because Jesus only claims to be "the Almighty"?
If the people who are offering $10,000 are so confident in the inspiration of the KJV then why discount the words of Paul, specifically that "God was manifest in the flesh" or that Jesus Christ is the creator of all things (Colossians 1:15-16), when the KJV is equally clear that there is only one Creator (Isaiah 44:24) who is the first and the last, and beside Him there is no other God (Isaiah 44:6) which just happens to be the same claim of Jesus in Revelation 1:8, and it is obvious that Jesus is the one speaking in Revelation 1:8 when compared with 1:11-18, which not coicidentally also identifies Jesus as the Ancient of Days of Daniels vision (Dan 7). Anyway, random thoughts on this topic. I didn't even bother clicking the link, the website can't create any interest on its own because the heresy isn't even interesting enough or taken serious enough to warrant investing time to refute it, so they're turning to gimmicks, and using the traffic that AFF has in attempt to get someone to read their bologna.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards
"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship
"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
This is the challenge: " I offer a $10,000.00 reward for any verse in the KJV Bible where Jesus Christ claimed to be “God,” “God the Son,” or “deity.”
So far, not a single solitary reference has been given were *JESUS* (notice the challenge folks) claimed to be "God", "God the Son" or "deity". That's because *JESUS* never claimed to be "God", "God the Son" or "deity".
I was at a day long seminar where brother hemphill gave his reasons for his view and there were two UPC pastors and a UPC assistant pastor there who were in agreement with him.
This is the challenge: " I offer a $10,000.00 reward for any verse in the KJV Bible where Jesus Christ claimed to be “God,” “God the Son,” or “deity.”
So far, not a single solitary reference has been given were *JESUS* (notice the challenge folks) claimed to be "God", "God the Son" or "deity". That's because *JESUS* never claimed to be "God", "God the Son" or "deity".
I was at a day long seminar where brother hemphill gave his reasons for his view and there were two UPC pastors and a UPC assistant pastor there who were in agreement with him.
I'll bet you $9,000 that if I submit John 8:58 ("Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am."), I wouldn't win the reward.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty