Originally Posted by Jacob's Ladder
I have a friend who allowed his emotions to get the best of him last night. He's in the church, and went out with a friend and had two Long Island Ice Teas. He said when he got home he fell to his knees and repented and he asked god to help him get through this ordeal. But he said last night he had a dream. In his dream he told a man he had screwed up (drank liquor). The man then responded, reconciliation follows a prophet. My friend said he began to cry and woke up and he had tears in his eyes. Any suggestions that I could tell him what that phrase meant?
'Reconcile' means 'to restore to friendship or harmony'. So the meaning of this dream, in English, would be: 'Restoring friendship or harmony follows a prophet'. Which to be honest still doesn't mean much. I suppose it could mean that a prophet will restore friendship and harmony wherever he goes. Is this friend of yours a prophet? If so, perhaps it means he was doing what he was supposed to be doing: maintaining or restoring a friendship over a couple of drinks.
Tell your friend to quit worrying about a little alcohol and focus on building up friendships. Perhaps that's the real meaning of the dream.