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Old 11-30-2012, 10:13 AM
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
po. that vote tally is amazing, I don't see how average americans don't see that repubs are after government power in a different way than democrats. i believe that democrats defend people rights more than republicans. maybe it's a different set of rights that both parties are trying to defend and control.

i went to the fiscal cliff point in the video and watched a few minutes but i recently read "a theology of liberation" by gustavo gutierrez and my religion has merged with my politics. i think i am more left than before, not a radical yet, but i am exploring a lot of liberation material that seeks to interpret the bible through the lens of the poor, marginalized and oppressed. there is woman's liberation theology, black liberation theology, and a general class liberation theology etc. i'm afraid i don't have a whole hour for newt.
You make a good point that I saw more this year than any other - the Republicans are after government power in a different way. One example would be GWB's Patriot Act, which allowed the Dems to take it even further. I really look at it as assisting each other.

You didn't have time for Newt? That's too bad, he is a powerhouse of American courage. I listened to it twice. lol

As far as exploring a political stance, I don't need to go much further than looking for anyone who is a staunch Constitutionalist. What would be great is if we could get a Federalist and a Jeffersonian on the same ticket. Now that would be a great balance and do something for this country. lol
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Old 11-30-2012, 11:28 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

PO would be called a useful idiot by most on the left. She is so stuck on her idea of "perfect" that she can't see that "better"(Romney) is still vastly superior to terrible(obama). So she chooses to waste her time backing some nobody instead of giving better a chance over terrible.

We have a 0 for President. We want a 10 of course, but the only choice we had was to keep the 0 or vote for a 4. Only in the mind of peopel with the logic of a bean is it remotely responsible to blow off the 4 and keep the 0 just because no 10 was available.
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Old 11-30-2012, 11:37 AM
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
PO would be called a useful idiot by most on the left. She is so stuck on her idea of "perfect" that she can't see that "better"(Romney) is still vastly superior to terrible(obama). So she chooses to waste her time backing some nobody instead of giving better a chance over terrible.

We have a 0 for President. We want a 10 of course, but the only choice we had was to keep the 0 or vote for a 4. Only in the mind of peopel with the logic of a bean is it remotely responsible to blow off the 4 and keep the 0 just because no 10 was available.
I read a comment online last night. The woman said, "The Bible instructs us to vote for the lesser of two evils." Hahahahaha! Last time I checked the Bible says to overcome evil with good. It doesn't say vote for the lesser of two evils. No wonder our country is in the shape it is in. We don't demand one thing, that our tax dollars pay for, we just follow along like dumb sheep.

But, listen, I do see and understand the two opposing views. And they are strong views for both sides.

1. Anyone is better than Obama
2. Don't put in a progressive Republican

Now we will see how strong our Constitution upholds this country and who will fight for us and with us. Did you happen to wonder why Romney lost more of the Asian (most educated) vote than the Hispanic vote?
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Old 11-30-2012, 05:18 PM
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
The RNC is in the doghouse with me right now. However, I will listen to anyone who is bold and fearless (watching to see how Rand Paul pans out).
Rand Paul: 'A Lot Of My Republican Colleagues Want To Fold, Give Up, Join The Democratic Party' (Rand Paul on Beck 11/29/12)

I thought the Republicans HAD already joined the Democratic Party.

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Old 11-30-2012, 05:27 PM
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

Conservative activist reportedly threatens to steer donors away from RNC over taxes

"Reince, it pains me to say this, but if the Republican Party breaks its word to the American people and goes along with President Obama with tax increases, it will have betrayed conservatives for the final time,” Bozell wrote. “I will make it my mission to ensure that every conservative donor to the Republican Party that I have worked with for the last three decades — and there are many and they have given tens of millions to Republican causes — gives not one penny more to the Republican Party or any member of Congress that votes for tax increases.” - Brent Bozell

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Old 11-30-2012, 06:11 PM
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

There is No Fiscal Cliff
by Newt Gingrich

Dear Friend,

How many times have you heard about the terrible, frightening, all-imposing "fiscal cliff" in the last few weeks?

Now we have a constant media drumbeat that Republicans will have to cave to President Obama's demands or they will bear responsibility for going over the fiscal cliff.

President Obama has increased his demands for more taxes and more spending.

The Left, both the politicians and the news media, have created a mythical threat which can only be solved by Republicans surrendering their principles and abandoning their allies.

Yet the fiscal cliff is entirely a manufactured threat.

The same people who are now negotiating worked two years ago to create the mess which they say is such a threat.

At any point they wanted to, the President and the Congress could reduce the "cliff" to a series of foothills by breaking the problem into ten or twenty component parts.

They could then focus on solving each problem on its own merits and out in the open with public hearings, public understanding and public involvement.

Public understanding, however, would limit the level of waste, favoritism, and special interests which could be funded.

That is exactly the opposite of what the Washington establishment wants.

To get a unique insight into the current psychological process of chanting "fiscal cliff," it is worth reading Tom Wolfe's essay, "Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers" (1970).

Wolfe describes a San Francisco welfare office in which the senior management hides away on the second floor and hires young, underpaid people to catch the flak of the welfare recipients who show up angry and unhappy. It is the job of the junior staff to endure the hostility while protecting the calm and isolation of the senior leaders.

The local Samoan community had figured out the game and decided to change it. As Wolfe vividly describes, they would send very large Samoans with war clubs into the office. The flak catcher would start explaining why they couldn't see the senior decision makers on the second floor. The Samoans would begin chanting and pounding their clubs on the color. After a couple minutes of threatening noises, the young welfare worker would decide they weren't getting paid enough to endure the tension and the sense of threat. They would let the Samoans go upstairs to make their demands to the senior welfare officials.

This brief description does not do justice to the beautiful writing and keen insights Wolfe brings to this scene.

But hopefully it does paint a picture of what we are living through.

The political and news media Left have fashioned an artificial club called "the fiscal cliff".

They are now standing on national television pounding their club and describing more and more horrifying outcomes if Republicans refuse to surrender their principles and appease the fiscal cliff Gods as defined by the Left.

Their goal is to panic the country so the people will then apply pressure to panic the Republicans.

Every time you hear “fiscal cliff” just remember it is an artificial invention of the Left.

Every time you hear a dire warning about the coming crisis remember the Samoans pounding their war clubs and chanting.

House Republicans should start legislating solutions they believe in, allow President Obama’s alternatives the honest chance to win a floor vote, and move forward.

The current negotiations are phony, dishonest, and calculated to produce either a failure to be blamed on the Republicans or a success defined by the collapse of the Republican policy positions.

Republicans would be far better off to refocus their energy on legislation, appropriation, oversight, and communication -- and relegate negotiation to being fifth on their priority list.

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Old 11-30-2012, 06:21 PM
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

Gingrich: Leaders should look to Reagan-O’Neill compromise of 1982 for fiscal cliff talks

Republican leaders don’t have an obligation to compromise with President Obama and if they do compromise, they split the Republican Party,” Gingrich said in an interview with Human Events on Tuesday.

“We [Republicans] need to respect the fact that he won the presidency, but he needs to respect that we won the House.”

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Old 11-30-2012, 06:42 PM
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

Newt, always right.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich ‘On the Record’

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Old 12-01-2012, 05:31 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I read a comment online last night. The woman said, "The Bible instructs us to vote for the lesser of two evils." Hahahahaha! Last time I checked the Bible says to overcome evil with good. It doesn't say vote for the lesser of two evils.
Romans 3:23 says we are all sinners. EVERY time I vote I have to try to choose the lesser of two evils.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 12-01-2012, 11:17 AM
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Re: Newt Gingrich-The Fiscal Cliff is a Fantasy

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
Romans 3:23 says we are all sinners. EVERY time I vote I have to try to choose the lesser of two evils.
I believe the context of Romans 3 is pointing out to the Jews that they are in no way better than the Gentiles. They have ALL sinned - both Jew and Gentile. If the Jews keep circumcision, but they do not keep the law, they are no better than the Gentiles who keep the law.

Romans 3:24 goes on to say that they are ALL justified freely by grace through the redemption that is in Christ. It puts both Jew and Gentile on the same footing with Christ Jesus.

So, my question would be, “If the Son shall therefore make you free, you are free indeed”, how are we yet sinners?

Romans 5:8 says that God commended his love toward us, in that, while we WERE sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:19 says that by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

How can you be both righteous and a sinner?

I John 3:9 “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him” and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”

I believe that, like Paul in I Timothy 1:15, we can be humble enough to always be aware of our evil past life and our capability to sin, but that doesn’t make us sinners after Christ, unless we are continuing in sin.

It is really a Catholic teaching that believes we are always sinners. And that we sin because we can't help it, we are just human. I also believe this teaching has bled into other Christian churches (UPCI included) and heaps condemnation on saints who need to know and understand that they can be set free.

So, really, the lesser of two evils still violates the Word – “overcome evil with good.”

Last edited by Pressing-On; 12-01-2012 at 11:30 AM.
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