For CC1:
Your church's recent tragedy struck a chord with me and I have been praying for your church. 6 years ago we lost a great Pastor due to a heart attack, he was 47 years old. Now...before he came, we had dwindeled down to 9 regular youth. (Coupled with the fact that we had a church split where we lost over half of our congregation DISCLAIMER--Not throwing stones at anyone, just painting the spiritual state of our church)
Pastor Jack Long created a new hope and stir in our youth. He brought on his son to be the new youth pastor. Together, they decided to start a Youth weekend in February...on the first night HE DIED!
Can you imagine the trauma that our church and youth went through!!! After a bunch of terrible things happening at our church this was the icing on the cake. It did not destroy us although there were times we thought it would.
To make a short story longer...God brought us new leadership and we retained a young Pastor Long as the youth Pastor. God has been good and HE has grown our youth to greater numbers, and more importantly, greater impact. We are actually impacting our area of the globe!!!!
Here is the COOL part...six years to the day he died, this past Friday night, our first night of Youth X-Plosion 07', it was only supposed to be a concert......the first 9 kids to get the Holy Ghost were from our youth group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AIN"T GOD GOOD?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y'all ain't hearin' me.....AIN"T GOD GOOD????!!!!!!
During the last night, Pastor Rutledge asked youth groups to bind together at the front and as I watched from the platform a huge circle began to form up front in the middle with one particular youth group...I am bad with numbers but I'm sure there were more than a 100 kids???
Yup. your guessed it, these kids were CCC's...all I could do was weep for joy...