Hemp is illegal today because powerful corporations want to maintain their billions of $$ in assets. Legalizing hemp would cause them to lose their fortunes. They lobbied Congress in 1937 to make it illegal.
The used the same hyperbole about a certain race of people that was unfair to them. Being unfair to them likewise rebounded upon all the people in this country.
When powerful businesses don’t like something, they can usually get something done about it.
The 1937 criminalization of marijuana is a case where this manipulation is obvious, according to Herer. Hemp threatens certain powerful businesses today, just as it did in 1937.
As the methods for processing hemp into paper and plastics were becoming more readily available and affordable, business leaders including William Randolph Hearst and DuPont stood to lose fortunes. They did everything in their power to have it outlawed. Luckily for Hearst, he was the owner of a chain of newspapers. DuPont’s chief financial backer Andrew Mellon (also the Secretary of the Treasury during President Hoover) was responsible for appointing Harry J. Anslinger, in 1931 as the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
Hearst’s papers deplorably published enhanced accounts of marijuana-crazed black men raping white women. With these sensationalist newspaper stories as his support, Anslinger testified before Congress that, “Marijuana is the most violence causing drug in the history of mankind.”
If we were to legalize hemp, big oil, paper mills and pharmaceutical companies would lose a goodly portion of their power and money. Hemp is excellent in nutritional value. It helps the body repair damage from illness and restores health. That would not be good for Big Pharma. Fuel could be made from hemp, but that would disturb the rock-e-fel-ler dynasty and it's fortune.
I think that perhaps a new Congressional hearing with the new scientific tests on industrial hemp should be a priority. It's been 75 years now and there are tons of new information about the benefits. I mean really...you got the greenie-weenies griping about saving trees...and we should simply for the atmosphere and oxygen. Leave the rainforests alone and grow hemp to use for food, paper, clothing, rope, even automobile bodies. It is said that Henry Ford's first vehicle was made from hemp and fueled by hemp.