Originally Posted by Timmy
Who hates God? Seriously.
Well, understand that it is rarely put in those terms.
I could list a hundred ways that people 'hate God,"
but suffice it to say that "I love God, but I'm doing
this thing
my way is 'hating God,'
for all practical purposes.
I'm not lying, I can't find a more satanic society since Rome.
The ones going to some church seem to be worse than the
ones who don't, which I'm not really getting; but there is evidence
in Christ's words that Ecumenical Babylon is the worst,
I guess that is what He meant. I'm not excluding myself, here;
we are so screwed up, that I doubt it is possible to even know
good when we see it.
Why do you think the rest of the world
hates us, because we're so pious? Our leaders are total whores,
and represent us perfectly. 'Prominent pastor's' families are able
to be quoted saying 'we think we should keep the church
in the family," said with a straight face.
We discuss what gun Jesus would most likely shoot-
-here on this forum.
"New life in Christ" is so completely
what any of us are doing, with a couple-
-not a few--exceptions, that your post,
meant in good faith, I know, just becomes comedy.
Fox news is bad enough; but this nation will be judged on
"New Posts;" just go have a look, why don'cha.
Trust that what condemns us will seem
completely normal to us, and pointing any
of it out just gets you scoffed at, by
ordained idiots.
Ps, I'm curious how much more $ you think
your Prez should be spending on drone strikes?
Please tell site Admin, they seem to be really interested.