Originally Posted by Raven
I'm not concerned with John's intent but the intent of later translators, of which King James' Bible is an example, of the influence that Plato and other Hellenists had upon what both Trinitarian and Oneness students believe today.
Hypostatic Unions and a Christ with a dual nature being foremost examples. Almost all oneness defense of their position comes as an antithesis of the Trinity based from a Trinitarian viewpoint! The early pioneers of the 20th century all came from Trinitarian backgrounds and tried to explain God's oneness, yet with a Trinitarian vocabulary.
I would say that being concerned with Johns intent gives forth the truth of God. When taken with the OT it brings it out quite nicely. Yes I comment on the video most scholars leap to the Philosophers instead of the OT.
As to the rest of what you are saying bring it down to my level and I will try to understand it. When I teach Oneness it is not done by teaching against Trinity. It is a straightforward presentation of the Oneness of God and deity of Yeshua.