I live in NYC, which is not as conservative as other parts of the US of course, so the UPCI churches here tend not to be as strict as what appears to be the norm elsewhere. It runs the gamut though. I was surprised to go to a UPCI prayer meeting recently and see male leaders in short pants to the knees and members in good standing wearing loose fitting muscle shirts. Then again, there are UPCIs here where many of the women wear hats and the men in leadership have no hair on their faces at all. UPCI up here seems to universally frown on hanging jewelry though (chains and earrings, bracelets) whether gold/silver or costume, but not multiple rings and brocades/pins.
As for me, I'm not in UPCI, but definitely believe Jesus is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and
Acts 2:38 is the New Birth. I listen to secular music and watch TV (though honestly most modern TV shows aren't worth looking at), go to the movies (although I much prefer to watch them on DVD - movies in NYC are $14.00) wear shorts to the knees (even to bible study) and sometimes wear loose fitting muscle shirts in public if it's overwhelmingly hot.