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08-23-2012, 08:55 PM
Pride of the Neighborhood
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 6,166
Re: Isaac and the RNC
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Yes, Gingrich is a Catholic.
Ben Swann is just reporting what's going on behind the scenes. It's just a news item. And I do think the Mormon issue will come up in the fall.
I do think he made one good point - "Unlike the Jeremiah Wright scandal where President Obama simply pushed Wright into a closet, Romney can't easily separate himself from Mormonism because of his past role as a leader in the church."
And remember, I'm understanding they will make Mormonism an issue at Convention. If they do that, it's "hands-on" for the Democrats after Obama issued a "hands-off". If he gets whipped with it, it will be his own fault.
Catholicism is misguided in some areas, like other religions, but they are mainstream as they also believe that God always was and was not a man who became righteous through steps and progression to become God. At the outset, Mormonism will never be mainstream, unless, voters put him in the WH.
Mormonism hasn't been hidden away and obscure. Prominent sports figures were Mormons. Prominent political leaders, businessmen, etc. Mormonism isn't going to hurt Romney.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.

08-23-2012, 09:55 PM
Not riding the train
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Re: Isaac and the RNC
Originally Posted by trialedbyfire
Yes... it could be God's way of punishing the GOP... ORRRRR.... and here's a crazy idea, maybe its just a major convention scheduled in the middle of hurricane alley during the peak of hurricane season experiencing... a hurricane. Well gee wiz... who woulda thought?

08-23-2012, 10:02 PM
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Re: Isaac and the RNC
Originally Posted by deacon blues
Mormonism hasn't been hidden away and obscure. Prominent sports figures were Mormons. Prominent political leaders, businessmen, etc. Mormonism isn't going to hurt Romney.
I never said it would hurt him. Why would it? I did say it would be an issue in the fall. So, why would it hurt him when no one cared about his flip-flopping self. Or that he has been lauded for having conservative positions that he never implemented or was able to pass when he was a governor.
It's crazy that you won't find evidence that Newt ever voted against anything he campaigned on but, Romney has broken numerous pledges in Massachusetts to both Conservatives and Liberals. I expect, if he wins, he will do that in the White House as well.

08-23-2012, 10:55 PM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
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Re: Isaac and the RNC
would you rather have a follower of Jeremiah Wright or a follower of Joseph Smith for President?

08-23-2012, 10:57 PM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
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Re: Isaac and the RNC
1960 was the first presidential election in which I voted. All the "Christians" HAD to vote for Nixon because Kennedy was a Roman Catholic and would bring us all under the domination of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church.

08-23-2012, 11:18 PM
Not riding the train
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Posts: 48,544
Re: Isaac and the RNC
Originally Posted by Sam
would you rather have a follower of Jeremiah Wright or a follower of Joseph Smith for President?
Oooooh, ask me!!!!!

08-23-2012, 11:25 PM
Not riding the train
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 48,544
Re: Isaac and the RNC
Originally Posted by Sam
1960 was the first presidential election in which I voted. All the "Christians" HAD to vote for Nixon because Kennedy was a Roman Catholic and would bring us all under the domination of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church.
This is true, but they are not outside of mainstream Christianity, nonetheless.
The Mormons and Islam have much in common.
Basic similarities between the Islamic and Mormon faiths include, but are not limited to:
- A founding prophet who received visits from an angel, leading to revelation of a book of scripture;
- An emphasis upon family, and the family unit as the foundation for religious life and the transmission of values;
- Insistence that their religion is a complete way of life, meant to directly influence every facet of existence;
- A belief that theirs constitutes the one and only completely true religion on the earth today;
- Belief that good deeds are required for salvation just as much as faith;
- Assertions that modern Christianity does not conform to the original religion taught by Jesus Christ;
- Belief that the text of the Bible, as presently constituted, has been adulterated from its original form;
- Rejection of the Christian doctrines of Original Sin and the Trinity;
- Strong emphasis upon education, both in the secular and religious arenas;
- Belief in fasting during specified periods of time;
- Incorporation of a sacred ritual of ablution, though each religion's rite differs in form, frequency and purpose;
- Belief that their faith represents the genuine, original religion of Adam, and of all true prophets thereafter;
- Prohibition of alcoholic beverages, gambling, and homosexual and bisexual practices;
- Belief that one's marriage can potentially continue into the next life, if one is faithful to the religion;
- Belief in varying degrees of reward and punishment in the hereafter, depending upon one's performance in this life;
- Special reverence for, though not worship of, their founding prophet;
- Emphasis upon charitable giving, and helping the downtrodden;
- An active interest in proselytizing nonbelievers;
- Strong emphasis upon chastity, including modesty in dress; and
- A clergy drawn from the laity, without necessarily requiring collegiate or seminary training.
- A division of the religion into a minimum of two parties after the death of the founding prophet, with one party claiming that leadership should continue through the prophet's descendents, and the other party rejecting this idea.[14]
Differences between Muslims and Mormons
Fundamental differences between Islam and Mormonism include, but are not limited to:
- Islam believes that God is essentially and uniquely one, while Mormons accept the Christian division of the Godhead into Father, Son and Holy Ghost, though rejecting the traditional Christian doctrine of the Trinity.
- Mormonism believes that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones, together with a wife, referred to as "Heavenly Mother" by some Latter-day Saints (although this view is not explicitly implied in scripture). Islam emphatically rejects these notions.
- Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; he is referred to as "a God" in their religion. Islam rejects this idea, believing that Jesus was a mortal being chosen to be a Prophet of God, no difference from Moses, Abraham, Muhammad, or other prophets of God throughout time, except being raised to heaven, like Elijah.
- Islam insists that only God is eternal; everything else was created by him ex nihilo. Mormonism denies this, insisting that matter and intelligence are equally eternal, and that God only "organized" them, rather than creating them out of nothing.
- Mormonism believes that God the Father spiritually begat every human being who has ever lived, prior to their existence on earth, and that we all lived in a "pre-existence" with him prior to being born. Islam rejects these ideas.
- Mormonism believes that Satan was a "spirit son" of God named Lucifer, whose plan for enforced obedience to God's law was rejected, leading him to rebel.[15] Islam rejects this, stating that Iblis, a jinn, refused to prostrate himself before Adam upon God's command, causing God to expel him from his presence, after which he became Satan (or "Shayṭān").[16]
- Islam believes that the Angels are beings created by God from light, who lack free will and serve him unhesitatingly. Mormonism sees Angels as being either resurrected beings or the spirits of humans yet to be resurrected.
- Mormonism believes in the existence of multiple "gods", and refers to "the Gods" in one of its canonical scriptures, the Book of Abraham.[17] Islam emphatically rejects this notion, which it calls "Shirk", the gravest of sins in Islam.[18]
- Mormonism believes that its adherents may become "gods" in the next life, through following its teachings and receiving certain necessary ordinances. Islam rejects this notion entirely.
- Mormonism believes that married couples in the next life will continue to beget children;[19] Islam rejects this.
- In addition to angels and human beings, Islam believes in a third class of beings, the jinn. Mormonism does not.
- Islam believes that one may become a full-fledged Muslim simply by reciting its profession of faith, the Shahada, while believing sincerely in its teachings.[20] Mormonism believes that the receipt of a series of sacramental ordinances, including baptism and confirmation, are required to become a Mormon.
- Mormonism believes in the existence of a Priesthood unique to them, conferred by ordination, which is required to administer sacraments or otherwise officially act in the name of God. Islam rejects this idea.
- Islam proclaims that its prophet Muhammad was the "seal of the prophets",[21] and thus, that no further prophets would come after him. Mormonism, while believing that Muhammad was a great and inspired teacher, does not consider him a prophet; it does believe Joseph Smith and his successors (the latest of whom is Thomas S. Monson) to be prophets, which Islam rejects.
- Mormonism erects temples throughout the world, where special ordinances are performed for both the living and the dead. Islam does not accept this notion.
- Islam's Qur'an bans alcohol and gambling, while various fatawa also ban tobacco. In addition to those three things, Mormonism bans coffee and tea, while Islam does not.
- Islam bans certain kinds of meat, while Mormonism says that all meats may be eaten, but should be used in moderation. Islam also requires that all meats be slaughtered in accordance with prescribed rituals, while Mormonism has no such requirement.
- While Mormonism permits the depiction of God and its prophets in images, Islam expressly bans depiction of Allah--God--as a form of idolatry; in addition, the majority Sunni portion of it bans the depiction of any prophet of Islam.
- Whereas Mormonism has a hierchical structure, culminating in a single President of the Church, Islam does not.
- Islam requires a pilgrimage to Mecca as part of its religion, while Mormonism does not have any corresponding imperative, although it does encourage members to travel to the nearest temple at least once in their lifetime (and more often if circumstances permit), for the receipt of certain sacred ordinances there.
- Islam still permits polygamy under certain specified conditions. While there are some fundamental sects of Mormonism that permit unrestricted polygamy, mainstream Mormonism (having previously embraced the principle) officially banned it in 1890.
- Mormonism believes in the possibility of continuing revelation from their prophets, whereas Islam considers the Qur'an to be God's final message to humankind.
Similarities exist between the origins of Islam and those of Mormonism:- Both Muhammad and Joseph Smith were reportedly inspired to start their movements by angelic visits: the Archangel Jibreel (Gabriel) in the case of Muhammed, and the Angel Moroni for Joseph Smith (following a visit Smith claimed to have received from God and Jesus Christ three years earlier). In each event, the angel in question helped to prepare the prophet to receive a series of revelations from God.
- Both Muhammad and Joseph Smith left behind authorized books they claimed to be direct revelations from God, books that their followers accept as Scripture.
- Both Muhammad and Joseph Smith were persecuted by hostile locals and later forced to relocate (from Mecca to Medina, and from Missouri to Illinois, respectively) during the formative periods of their careers.
- Both Muhammad and Joseph Smith established theocratic city-states during their respective ministries, Muhammad being invited to take the rule of Medina, while Joseph Smith would found Nauvoo, Illinois.

08-24-2012, 07:01 AM
Holiness Is Still Right.
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Re: Isaac and the RNC
Originally Posted by Sam
would you rather have a follower of Jeremiah Wright or a follower of Joseph Smith for President?
Can we get a follower of Jesus intead?

08-24-2012, 07:06 AM
Holiness Is Still Right.
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Washington DC Area
Posts: 1,093
Re: Isaac and the RNC
Now it's starting to look like the notorious "cone of uncertainty" is pointing westward and Mobile, Alabama is right smack in the center of it now.
So if this storm DOESN'T hit Tampa and hits Mobile what will then happen to DMs theory that this is punishment from God?

08-24-2012, 08:53 AM
Not riding the train
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 48,544
Re: Isaac and the RNC
Is Romney to lead conservatives to self-extinction?
First paragraph:
“I know that Romney’s bad. But first we get Obama out. Then we’ll hold Romney’s feet to the fire.” That’s one of the most common things I hear from self-blinkered GOP partisans hacking for the artificially engineered Romney nomination. They angrily pretend that rank and file conservatives have no choice but to obey the “eyes wide shut” command emanating from the GOP’s elitist faction Party bosses.
Last paragraph:
"If tomorrow all the self-professed conservatives I have known and worked with in my life could break free from the mesmerizing light of false pragmatism and walk only by the light of that word and example, they would see their own strength. Awakening from their redeemer bereft nightmare world of “lesser evils”, they would shun the tawdry compromise that now steals their strength away. “But that would take a miracle,” you say. So be it."
Amen and again I say - AMEN!
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