Originally Posted by Esther
Are any of you aware that George Soros is funding and PUSHING for gun control through the UN. Hilary and Obama welcomes global gun bans. Also, could include ammituntion controls.
According to Kevin Danielsen Obama and Hillary have already vowed to sign such a treaty. In fact, both have largely been working behind closed doors, as they know full-well that Americans would surely show staunch resistance if their agenda committed to "open war".
The disarmament of the American peole will signal the beginning of the end of any semblance of freedom we have left. As the saying goes, "Hitler, Stalin and Mao agree...gun control works."
They are meeting in NY this week with the UN, planning on signing away the sovernity of the US to the UN. No surprise here.
How will you respond IF they do in fact, pass such an unconstitutional law?
So much of what you type is fear-mongering based in falsehoods and far out conspiracies.
The Treaty in question does nothing against gun owners in America who own their guns lawfully.
Furthermore, neither Hillary, Barack, or the U.N. can do what you are implying.
You spew junk that fuels an irrational disdain for the current Administration.
You and the people who feed you are no worst a nemesis to thoughtful discourse concerning this Administration as Hollywood was to GWB.
They were irrational in some of their criticisms-- but the Patriot Act and it's true freedom-limiting guidelines were passed under the "watchful eye" of a Republican White House, Senate and House of Representatives. Go figure!
Given the antics, exaagerations and lies perceived to have occurred under GWB's Adminstration, Hollywood's, the Democrats' and Independents' true disdain for GWB didn't begin to truly manifest itself NATIONALLY until the latter third of GWB's Presidency-- after two wars, many mistakes, and TRILLIONS of DOLLARS SPENT BUT UNACCOUNTED on the GWOT.
From day 1 of this Administration's term in office, you and the others you feed off of have been RELENTLESS in irrational exaagerations and criticisms of all things concerning this Administration.
The collected antics of you and the others you feed off of will only drive away the rational, solid, pricipled voters known as "Independents"-- who read the fears and refuse to even sip the poison of irrational discourse on irrational conspiracies, groundless criticisms, and accusations with barely a shred of any verity to them.
Romney can only be seen as benign and thus attractive as a candidate as long as the fear mongerers and the irrational far right nimcompoops can stay quiet enough to not cloud the national political discourse with their tripe.
Some people who call themselves Republican should be muzzled until AFTER the election, so that the Republicans can win.
If irrational discourse and fear mongering is what America wanted, then the powers that be in the GOP would have pushed for Trump-- but Romney is our national face!
And why would that be? Why would A milque-toast, flip-flopping, out-of-touch gazziolionaire be our Party's nominee for President?
Because most Americans are tired of far right stupidity!
Though I may criticize Romney, he is NOTHING like GWB's caricature, and nothing like the stereotypical gun-slinging, tobaccy spitting, scripture quoting, hypocritical, war mongering, ignorant sounding, cocky quipping and posturing bigot that so many IN OUR COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD picture our Party to represent.