Recently I have become friends with a gay man at work. He has become one of my best friends ever. He is in a committed relationship and about 15 years older than I am. He has NO interest in me in the relational sense. Growing up I wouldn't have ever dreamed of being friends with a gay man, not because of any homophobia, but we'd run in different circles. This man, Joe, has nothing but straight friends. In fact his partner is the same way.
I am dine with is being friends and my wife is cool with it too. What would you more seasoned individuals do? I'm not even worried about any attraction on his part because we are not like that. Is it common that as life goes on that people change like this, like I have where on e I wound have ever been his friend and now we are great friends? What do you all think?
I don't see anything wrong with being his friend. God loves him. You are also called to love him and his partner too.
However, should you begin to feel burdened about his soul pray, pray, pray, pray. Don't just verbally approach him about things. Pray that God begin to move in his heart and draw him near. Because you can "share the Gospel" all day long... if the Father isn't drawing him... it will only upset him. I've had friends who didn't know the Lord and began to feel a burden for their souls. I've lost friends because I tried to witness when God wasn't drawing. I've also won friends when I was patient enough to pray that God draw them. It never failed... at some point THEY brought up my faith in Jesus. I shared lovingly and non-judgmentally. Most of the friends I had patience with were baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost.
Just love your friend and his companion, be Jesus, and pray that God will beging drawing them through spiritual hunger. Also, once they begin to come... don't demand any changes. That's for God to deal with. First they must get to know him and see themselves through His grace. If they are born again, they might continue their relationship. However, in time God will begin dealing with them and then they will make some very important choices.
Ummm... most ultra-cons I know wouldn't hold your position. They'd argue that light doesn't fellowship darkness. You're approach appears to show that you are far more of a "moderate" than an ultra-con.
And that's not a bad thing bro. Jesus was a moderate too by the ultra-cons own standards. Jesus upset the liberal Sadducees and the conservative Pharisees. He was being attacked from both the right an the left. If we're going to be like Jesus... that's going to happen from time to time. LOL
Yeah, are we gonna hear from a real UC or not? Are they all gone, again?!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I'm not concerned about any kind of label... but would submit I fit more to the ultra-conservative in most areas than a moderate ever would, especially when it comes to Lifestyle Holiness, like outward appearance, music, places we as Christians should patronage and not, how to conduct church, working on Sundays, etc.
I'm not concerned about any kind of label... but would submit I fit more to the ultra-conservative in most areas than a moderate ever would, especially when it comes to Lifestyle Holiness, like outward appearance, music, places we as Christians should patronage and not, how to conduct church, working on Sundays, etc.
That's cool. I'm glad you're here, too.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I'm not concerned about any kind of label... but would submit I fit more to the ultra-conservative in most areas than a moderate ever would, especially when it comes to Lifestyle Holiness, like outward appearance, music, places we as Christians should patronage and not, how to conduct church, working on Sundays, etc.
Awesome. Now, sell all that you have and give it to the poor. lol
Awesome. Now, sell all that you have and give it to the poor. lol
Sorry, but I don't own anything... it all belongs to Christ... and He often tells me many of the things that He's letting me borrow need to go to someone else, and I gladly let it go.
I agree, inasmuch as I would prolly radiate hetero so strongly that they wouldn't be too comfortable, lol. Society makes us all, and Christ calls us to Grace.
"I thank you, God, that I am like the rest of men." TMerton
The fact is this... Sin is Sin... there are no sins that are any bigger than any others, as they all separate us from God and in the end reap death. You may be friends with a homosexual, and I'm friends with back-biters, two faced, jealous, self righteous hypocrites...LOL... the fact is, that being their friend, and loving someone with the love of Jesus doesn't support or endorse them and their's being Jesus..
Yes, believe it or not, the ultra conservative guy said all that, LOL.
But with eveything there is balance, so if you are going to really love this friend, then that love should motivate you to not only live as Jesus in front of them, but to also share with him your concern for his soul. Out of your love, not out of any judgement.
If you're living like Jesus in front of him, then you'll be the best friend he ever had....
But I still say your not supporting him, :-).
I agree. The best way to win people is by being their friend. The saying, 'You attract more flies with honey than vinegar,' is still true. If we show them the love of Jesus and express concern for their well being, they will be more likely drawn to us, and take less offense at our opposition to their lifestyle.
I had a coworker that told me openly within the first two hours that I knew him that he was gay. I told him just as plainly that I was not and did not approve of the lifestyle. We had an excellent working relationship.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Ummm... most ultra-cons I know wouldn't hold your position. They'd argue that light doesn't fellowship darkness. You're approach appears to show that you are far more of a "moderate" than an ultra-con.
And that's not a bad thing bro. Jesus was a moderate too by the ultra-cons own standards. Jesus upset the liberal Sadducees and the conservative Pharisees. He was being attacked from both the right an the left. If we're going to be like Jesus... that's going to happen from time to time. LOL
How many of us ultra-cons do you know very much about, and how much do you think you know?
The fact is that you make outrageous claims about what most of us do or do not support, think, say, and act. The fact is that most of your assumptions are just that. The fact is that we do not stick our nose in the air at sinners (with the exception of a frozen few that do not get more than a small amount of fellowship). Just because we reject sinful lifestyles, entertainments, and localities does not mean that we are cruel, cold, hateful people who are painful to be around.
The fact is that most of us shock liberals into conservatism because we are far more likable than they were ever led to believe.
I am an Apostolic Pentecostal. Apostolic in teaching, and Pentecostal in experience.