For having sorrow in a godly way results in repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regrets. But the sorrow of the world produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10
'Always be quick to repent'. Advice I received from a beautiful elder sister, who has now gone to be with the Lord, early in my Christian walk as she sat beside me in my pew and took my hands in hers. And so I have... and so have you. Going back to God now and asking for forgiveness again will cause Him to ask... 'For what Matt?' because he has separated you from your sin as far as the east is from the west. That's the beauty of it.
Well biblically once I repent it's under the blood of Jesus, so I SHOULD be fine. However I FEEL like I mean it more at the alter, where I can brood over my sin and sincerely feel bad after awhile. Human know. That's an idea for another thread...Sin...When Exactly Is It Under The Blood.
when you confess your sins GOD is FAITHFUL and JUST to FORGIVE you, and to CLEANSE you from ALL unrighteousness! Come out of the sadomasochist religion that you are in!
Sincerely feel bad? You felt bad enough to ask for forgiveness. When you asked, HE forgave you. Walk in the Spirit where there is no condemnation. Jesus loves you. Don't beat yourself up. Don't sulk. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Believe. Believe that HE is. Believe that the work that He started in you will be complete, it will not go unfinished.
I've already repented, I plan on spending most of the prayer meeting repenting at the alter.
Unless this "sin" somehow involved the eventual long arm of the law, a simple "Lord I'm sorry" is all that is needed (assuming you mean the 'sorry' part). Even if it DOES involve the Law a simple sorry is still good enough for God, although being on the lam isn't too fun (or so I hear).
I just take this scripture to heart...Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise .
When I said immediately after I sinned "Lord I'm sorry" I didn't have time to consider my sin, consider that I sinned against God. I feel comfortable at the alter because it was how I was raised, when you sin, you go to the alter. I feel as if asking the Lord for forgiveness is both an admission to God, and for the person, a healing. Besides all that, I had some other things on my mind besides, it's been rough for The Matt for the last few days. The alter was the perfect place to cry out to Jesus.
1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
I've already repented, I plan on spending most of the prayer meeting repenting at the alter.
Repentance isn't something that is done in a moment in time and is over. Repentance is a lifestyle of being humble before God because of your sinful condition and seeking the power of His Spirit to be more like Jesus.