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Old 09-30-2011, 08:20 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
interesting post seekerman, do u have any experience in this field? are u afraid to tell? I am honest with my interests and totally convinced of acts 2:38 as the initiation. I am just seeking NT parallels and deeper truths of scripture interpretation. I may come up fruitless but I believe God honors the hunger and the effort. There has got to be something more than acts 2:38 and holiness standards. I am sick of the whole scene and judgementalism of epleyites. If I'm out of the box so be it. I have faith in God. Why don't you share what you really think?
Yes, I have personal experience and no I'm not afraid to tell....at least here on the forum.

There came a point in my life many years ago that I realized that the body of Christ was much larger and older than oneness Pentecostalism thus began my exit from the sect. I also came to the realization that others, who aren't Christians, also have had a relationship with God apart from Jesus Christ and that they also can present for my examination spiritual views which I can either reject or accept. (Now usually comes the John 14:6 reference by some).

My personal path today has it's foundation in Jesus Christ, and His revelation of God the Father, while at the same time realizing that others have deep and true spiritual experiences with God in their culture and environment also. Reading and studying their spiritual experiences, while may not have the depth of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, nevertheless have something to say which is sometimes beneficial to an individual growing on their spiritual walk. As it is within the Christian movement, there are things taught which aren't spiritual truths but there are also spiritual truths and insights to be taught.

For example, most Protestants don't realize that in their original King James Version bible there was a group of writings included called the Apocrypha. Some considered them heresy while others viewed them as presenting spiritual truths to grow and live by. While some today would never read the Apocryphal books others would and it brings them a deeper intimacy with God. Did the writers of the Apocryphal books have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, no they didn't as the writers of the OT books didn't have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Both present spiritual truths though.

When one breaks down the walls of religion, one finds truths there were not available to them before. Conversely, those who have lived without knowing Jesus Christ, because of the wall religion has built, now can enter into a relationship with Him because the wall is no longer there keeping them out. Breach the wall, explore, examine and find the richness of God in freedom. Once freedom is tasted bondage will never be accepted again.

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Last edited by seekerman; 09-30-2011 at 08:26 PM.
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Old 09-30-2011, 08:23 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine


The apocryphal books of Song of Solomon and Sirach have several references to the Divine Feminine-Sophia-Shekinah, whatever you wish to call 'her'.
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:38 AM
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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
Yes, I have personal experience and no I'm not afraid to tell....at least here on the forum.

There came a point in my life many years ago that I realized that the body of Christ was much larger and older than oneness Pentecostalism thus began my exit from the sect. I also came to the realization that others, who aren't Christians, also have had a relationship with God apart from Jesus Christ and that they also can present for my examination spiritual views which I can either reject or accept. (Now usually comes the John 14:6 reference by some).

My personal path today has it's foundation in Jesus Christ, and His revelation of God the Father, while at the same time realizing that others have deep and true spiritual experiences with God in their culture and environment also. Reading and studying their spiritual experiences, while may not have the depth of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, nevertheless have something to say which is sometimes beneficial to an individual growing on their spiritual walk. As it is within the Christian movement, there are things taught which aren't spiritual truths but there are also spiritual truths and insights to be taught.

For example, most Protestants don't realize that in their original King James Version bible there was a group of writings included called the Apocrypha. Some considered them heresy while others viewed them as presenting spiritual truths to grow and live by. While some today would never read the Apocryphal books others would and it brings them a deeper intimacy with God. Did the writers of the Apocryphal books have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, no they didn't as the writers of the OT books didn't have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Both present spiritual truths though.

When one breaks down the walls of religion, one finds truths there were not available to them before. Conversely, those who have lived without knowing Jesus Christ, because of the wall religion has built, now can enter into a relationship with Him because the wall is no longer there keeping them out. Breach the wall, explore, examine and find the richness of God in freedom. Once freedom is tasted bondage will never be accepted again.

You'll never be the same.
Dedicated Mind
Seekerman has a point, but you don't have to search religions or books outside the bible to break down the walls of religion. Lets start closer to home. You said "I am honest with my interests and totally convinced of acts 2:38 as the initiation. I am just seeking NT parallels and deeper truths of scripture interpretation. I may come up fruitless but I believe God honors the hunger and the effort. There has got to be something more than acts 2:38 and holiness standards". Your still drinking the Kool-aid. Acts 2:28 and standards are not the gospel.

Instead of going outside the bible just start questioning the teachings of Christianity starting with the teachings of your local church. Ask God to show you his word not the self proclaimed man of God. After all we are told to "study" not rely on others to tell us the word of God.

If there is one thing I have found in the last ten years of personal study in relationship with God. If your heart is right and you seek God, "truth will prevail and you will not be led into false doctrine" But if you rely on mans teachings you will most certanly be led into false doctrine.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 10-01-2011, 09:40 AM
Whoop Harted Whoop Harted is offline
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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

So much of the Kabbalah is just jewish spiritism, but not of God's spirit. Careful of how much farther you travel down this road, you might get more than you bargained for.
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Old 10-01-2011, 12:35 PM
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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

You might want to be very careful of doors that open in this realm. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
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Old 10-01-2011, 01:16 PM
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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Dedicated Mind
Seekerman has a point, but you don't have to search religions or books outside the bible to break down the walls of religion. Lets start closer to home. You said "I am honest with my interests and totally convinced of acts 2:38 as the initiation. I am just seeking NT parallels and deeper truths of scripture interpretation. I may come up fruitless but I believe God honors the hunger and the effort. There has got to be something more than acts 2:38 and holiness standards". Your still drinking the Kool-aid. Acts 2:28 and standards are not the gospel.

Instead of going outside the bible just start questioning the teachings of Christianity starting with the teachings of your local church. Ask God to show you his word not the self proclaimed man of God. After all we are told to "study" not rely on others to tell us the word of God.

If there is one thing I have found in the last ten years of personal study in relationship with God. If your heart is right and you seek God, "truth will prevail and you will not be led into false doctrine" But if you rely on mans teachings you will most certanly be led into false doctrine.
This is a great post.

I strongly caution you to remain within the confines of GOD to discover who He is. There is a reason John came against gnosticism so harshly in his letters.

I would suggest you study Hebrew. I believe you would find what you are seeking there. Add in a study of biblical archaeology, look at the Dead Sea Scrolls. But, studying the Hebrew language, the customs, the culture, the intensity of meaning conveyed in the original language to the original audience, is far more incredible than anything you will find within mysticism. You'll also find that recognizing the Hebrew concepts makes the New Testament come alive in an entirely new way. You are very correct that there is more than Acts 2:38 and holiness standards.

I would strongly caution against seeking God in the studies of mysticism and gnosticism. You will likely find more than you ever dreamed, but this fire burns with an intensity you may find very surprising. And once you encounter the pain of those flames, it's too late to avoid the scars.
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 10-01-2011, 05:14 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Dedicated Mind
Seekerman has a point, but you don't have to search religions or books outside the bible to break down the walls of religion. Lets start closer to home. You said "I am honest with my interests and totally convinced of acts 2:38 as the initiation. I am just seeking NT parallels and deeper truths of scripture interpretation. I may come up fruitless but I believe God honors the hunger and the effort. There has got to be something more than acts 2:38 and holiness standards". Your still drinking the Kool-aid. Acts 2:28 and standards are not the gospel.

Instead of going outside the bible just start questioning the teachings of Christianity starting with the teachings of your local church. Ask God to show you his word not the self proclaimed man of God. After all we are told to "study" not rely on others to tell us the word of God.

If there is one thing I have found in the last ten years of personal study in relationship with God. If your heart is right and you seek God, "truth will prevail and you will not be led into false doctrine" But if you rely on mans teachings you will most certanly be led into false doctrine.
GD, I appreciate your post. When I said, "there has got to be more than acts 2:38 and holiness standards, I was criticizing main stream, apostolic religion that focuses solely on those issues. You may view the gospel as the death, burial and resurrection of JC and I agree with that. I still believe that our initiation into the body of christ is acts 2:38. What I am seeking is what comes after? I don't agree with standards and I refuse to discuss them. I do think I have found a subject to focus on, which is christian mysticism. I think gnosticism has extra biblical concepts while christian mysticism is bible based. (as far as I can tell)
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Old 10-01-2011, 05:21 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
Yes, I have personal experience and no I'm not afraid to tell....at least here on the forum.

There came a point in my life many years ago that I realized that the body of Christ was much larger and older than oneness Pentecostalism thus began my exit from the sect. I also came to the realization that others, who aren't Christians, also have had a relationship with God apart from Jesus Christ and that they also can present for my examination spiritual views which I can either reject or accept. (Now usually comes the John 14:6 reference by some).

My personal path today has it's foundation in Jesus Christ, and His revelation of God the Father, while at the same time realizing that others have deep and true spiritual experiences with God in their culture and environment also. Reading and studying their spiritual experiences, while may not have the depth of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, nevertheless have something to say which is sometimes beneficial to an individual growing on their spiritual walk. As it is within the Christian movement, there are things taught which aren't spiritual truths but there are also spiritual truths and insights to be taught.

For example, most Protestants don't realize that in their original King James Version bible there was a group of writings included called the Apocrypha. Some considered them heresy while others viewed them as presenting spiritual truths to grow and live by. While some today would never read the Apocryphal books others would and it brings them a deeper intimacy with God. Did the writers of the Apocryphal books have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, no they didn't as the writers of the OT books didn't have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Both present spiritual truths though.

When one breaks down the walls of religion, one finds truths there were not available to them before. Conversely, those who have lived without knowing Jesus Christ, because of the wall religion has built, now can enter into a relationship with Him because the wall is no longer there keeping them out. Breach the wall, explore, examine and find the richness of God in freedom. Once freedom is tasted bondage will never be accepted again.

You'll never be the same.
Thanks for the post seekerman. I would like to ask you a few questions. What have you studied? How have your studies changed your beliefs in apostolic doctrine? Like I told GD, I still believe acts 2:38 is the first step, I'm just trying to add to my experience while retaining my core belief. GBU.
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Old 10-01-2011, 05:21 PM
Phoenix Phoenix is offline
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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
GD, I appreciate your post. When I said, "there has got to be more than acts 2:38 and holiness standards, I was criticizing main stream, apostolic religion that focuses solely on those issues. You may view the gospel as the death, burial and resurrection of JC and I agree with that. I still believe that our initiation into the body of christ is acts 2:38. What I am seeking is what comes after? I don't agree with standards and I refuse to discuss them. I do think I have found a subject to focus on, which is christian mysticism. I think gnosticism has extra biblical concepts while christian mysticism is bible based. (as far as I can tell)
Please define Christian mysticism as you are using it.
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Old 10-01-2011, 05:31 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: Christian Mysticism & Divine Feminine

Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
Please define Christian mysticism as you are using it.
i listed 2 sites in my opening post that i'm looking at. i think it has to do with union with christ through meditation, prayer, alms giving etc. I'm just looking for deeper spirituality, not preaching on holiness standards. I am just starting to look, i am sure there is more.
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