It would be great if everyone who is waiting to hear the gossip about our district would take some time and pray for it - the elections, our leaders, God's will, etc.
Well I'm here at the California District conference where Fur is going to be flying Everywhere!!
Man! the weather is hotter than Hades, and we gotta wear suits and ties round the clock or hell will be our home
The Lord has called to this conference for such a time as this
Anyway im gonna hang out with Bro Larry and my drummer tomorrow were gonna go to the Guitar center with one of the pastors that's also playing in the band. we had a grueling and long (but fun! ) rehearsal tonight. just got in and it's 1am here.
I hope most of you have a great day tomorrow but there is a few of you..... I wish you ALL THE WORST ! ! ! ! !
You will need to text me any NEWS so that we can report it FIRST!!!!
It would be great if everyone who is waiting to hear the gossip about our district would take some time and pray for it - the elections, our leaders, God's will, etc.
I know many of the Southern California pastors and saints went on a prayer and fasting chain last week for this conference. Impacting decisions will be made this week.