It is one of my passions to follow these things. Here is my analysis of the debate.
1) Mitt Romney walked out looking pretty good. No one attacked him, and Pawlenty backed away from a frontal assault.
2) Michelle Bachmann came out looking like a serious candidate for the office, or a suitable vice if Romney wants to shore up his conservative cred like McCain did.
3) Pawlenty hurt himself by attacking Romney, backing out of a direct confrontation, and then attacking again outside of the debate. This make him look weak and uncertain. It also portrays Romney as operating from a place of incredible strength.
4) Santorum and Paul were seen to be interesting, but not steady long term candidates who will gain a lot of support. Once this race kicks into high gear, they will outstrip the base of support they have and be done before many of the primaries have passed.
5) Gingrich is a dead duck. He is excellent in the debate, but as soon as the issue actually turns to strong family values he is going to be destroyed. He is on his third marriage, delivered the divorce papers to his second wife while she was in the hospital, etc. His stunts with the cruise and jewelry store will not help him either.
6) Cain performed well, but seemed to be better situated to handle monetary policy rather than the general policy that a president has to have. I think that he should consider running for Treasury Secretary in the new President's Cabinet.
7) The moderator was a ham handed political pundit. As soon as a candidate said something that he did not like, he would try to cut them off. Some as soon as four seconds into their time. He also attempted to put words in their mouth which leads to my next point.
The 30 sec rule was a painful joke. He wanted to ask questions, and just receive a yes/no answer, when it actually needed a detailed response.
9) Of the Candidates, Romney and Bachmann came across as the most presidential and prepared for the debate. Gingrich and Pawlenty showed the weaknesses in their runs. Gingrich with his being on both sides of the last several issues that he has addressed, and Pawlenty being to uncomfortable taking up the fight when the person is actually present.
10) Paul showed that he has some good ideas, but as always seems to come across as a slightly crazy but harmless relative.
11) Santorum is a male copy of Bachmann. He does not have her looks and style, and that will put an end to his campaign.
12) Cain should use this time to make himself indispensable to the next administration on fiscal policy.
I believe that in a short time Gingrich will be out and possibly may take Santorum out with him. Mitt Romney has this in the bag, but it is his race to lose. The only one who will be able to make a real race of it immediately is Gov. Perry of Texas. He would come in a very strong 2nd to Romney. Bachmann will probably be the on the short list of people for the #2 on the ticket.
These are just some of my guesses and instincts from a point that (to borrow from Herman Cain) "is just too early yet."