Originally Posted by Rhoni
This Mother's Day will be a special one for me. In 1977, while I was a senior at Jackson College of Ministries, there was a teacher there that God sent to minister to me.
When the chorale came back from touring that summer Bro. LW told me he had seen my sister in Ohio. I told him that he couldn't have because my family was in San Diego, California. Bro. LW in his not so tactful way told me that my parents had seperated and they were divorcing. I was only 19 at the time and devastated [not that here is a good age for something like this to happen].
Like a Mother:
I went to seek out Sis. Jewel [Yadon] Dillon. She held me and let me cry. She told me about her loss of David her son. She told me about her special memories. She let me talk, she listened, she comforted me. She will never know how much I needed her at that time.
My security had been ripped out from under me, my family was split apart, some in Memphis, some in San Diego, and others in Elyria, Ohio. I was in Jackson playing on again and off again with a three year relationship and felt like a fish out of water...funny...kind of like i feel now! I just realized that. As a therapist I would ask the client...what gave you the strength to get through the past situation? How can this be applied to this situation.
I leaned on Sis. Dillon, although she herself was still hurting from her own losses. I kept the attic above the girl's dorm filled with prayers. I could not start out my day without the presence of God covering me. Just a word, or a hug from Sis. Dillon to remind me that someone cared helped me make it through my Senior year of Bible College.
This Mother's Day:
Tomorrow morning I am flying to Caldwell, Idaho to spend Mother's Day with my dear friend of 30 years...Mom Dillon. I want her to know that I will always be thnkful that she allowed herself to be the vessel of God that I needed to help me through one of the worst periods of my life. Gloria, her daughter and joy of her heart is in Ohio with her family this year and I wanted to have this special time with a Godly woman whom I admire and cherish.
I thank God for Mothers that God provides during times when a Mother's love is needed and there is no mother in sight.
Thank-you Jesus for sending Sis. Jewel Dillon into my life in 1977.
I give Jesus all the praise, Rhonda
Sis. Rhoni,
What a lovely, beautiful tribute you have written about "your other mother",
a Mother in Zion who made a difference at a very delicate time in your life,
when it could have gone in another direction. Some have, when faced with
'tough times" turn and go back to Egypt. They make a choice to turn back in
the battle instead of standing their ground and allowing Christ to lead them
forward, one day at a time!
May the Lord Jesus continue to direct your life as it appears He has been for
a long, long time. Have a wonderful trip and Mother's Day with Sis. Dillion. I
feel sure this will mean much to her to know she has played such an important
part in your being where you are today. No doubt all that you, I and others
have gone through and continue to go through is the "education" in order for
us to do the work the Master has been preparing us to do. For HIS glory!! One
thing about it, when we have gone through the Masters school, we will not
have to worry about pride, as it will all be for His Honour and His Glory!!
Nothing less is of any importance anyway!
Create in me, Your image, O Lord,
Let me be all You've dreamed I could be.
And when You have finished Your work, Lord, in me,
I pray that JESUS is all they will see!