Originally Posted by Praxeas
Baptist is a denomination that does not teach baptism is essential for salvation, does not teach baptism is to be done in Jesus name, does not believe in speaking in tongues let alone the necessity as a sign of the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Many believe in once saved always saved and that salvation is by accepting the Lord as your savior.
To say you are a baptist and to believe all of the above is false advertisement
But not all Pentecostal are oneness or even holiness.
But why not use the Baptist in the name.
Like "Amarillo Baptist of Pentecost "
Or "Apostolic Baptist Fellowship"
I would like to see a Church that is Assembly of God Type with Oneness And
Acts 2:38.
But to say we believe in the Baptism of the Spirit and Jesus Name baptism..
Would truly be Baptist.
Who knows it could be away to bring in folks from the Baptist up-bringing that desire an Acts experience.