Originally Posted by aegsm76
JD - it depends on your definition of "right" and "left".
Facists are actually left-wingers and Anarchists are right-wingers. according to the classical political definition.
I would also say that those on the left spew as much venom as those on the right. Some people are very tolerant, except of those who they perceive as intolerant.
If you are right, the venom spewed by the left is not of the type that encourages people to prepare for the "coming armageddon".
It's the
word choice of some of the talking heads on the right that encourages violence. The left and the right spew vomit on their airwaves, but over the last 20 years, the right-winged extemists are the one who have taken up arms and occasionally have used violence against innocent people to make their points. It is my point that some Republican talking heads are partially responsible because of their langauge.
Many elected Republican officlals and their talking heads do not want civilized discourse. Anything less than their way 100% is compromise and compromise is unacceptable to the nutjobs that eat their vitriol for every meal.
It was a sign of a bad moon rising when that elected official yelled out while the President was still speaking, "LIAR!" Of course that guy was never dealt with publicly, in a way that let America know that decent Republicans find that kind of disrespect for any elected official not respectable and not proper.
The GOP's silence on that was just as silent as many American Muslims when it comes to the words and actions of Muslim extremists.
That kind of unprofessionalism should be left to the "Code Pink" whackos, not Congressmen.
If your elected oficials feel justified to be that nasty publicly towards someone that does not think like him, if that is the standard for proper discourse, then it stands to say that your fringe followers will be much more uncivilized in their words and actions when dealing with others who do not think like them.