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View Poll Results: Bishop Sylvester, 337 AD. Was He right or wrong??
Yes 0 0%
No 0 0%
Way Off The Mark 1 25.00%
Dead On 0 0%
He Needed the Holy Ghost 0 0%
Who is Sylvester anyway? 3 75.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 01-04-2011, 04:45 PM
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pelathais pelathais is offline
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Re: Book of Rev. mysterious.....

I'm in general agreement with Ferdando's "Pizza Theory" ... though Bro. & Sis. Febus have been such sweet people on this board, so even though my eschatology comes from a different angle, I still like their perspectives.

I think Kerry's original poll and post attempts to cover too much ground. Focusing on our good buddy "Sylvester" and "the Lord's Day" debate usually comes down to a question of just how much authority the Bishops of Rome had/have in dictating Christian doctrine. There are some who say that the "Roman Catholic Church" 'changed the sabbath' - and that they had the authority to do so.

This claim appears to ignore the simple fact that the Sabbath and the 'Lord's Day' (Sunday) coexisted side by side throughout the Apostolic era without any apparent controversy as to which was which. There was simply the Jewish Sabbath and then there was the "First Day of the Week" when the Lord triumphantly conquered Death (that nasty old "dictator").

Now, for me, this blending of the Lord's victory over Death and the "battles" described in Revelation fits together rather nicely. For a Dispensationalist, the matter is a bit more complicated. For the Preterist, well, we do have the issue that the Lord didn't really and literally "return" in 70 A.D. - though as Mike points out, this isn't a problem for the Partial Preterist view. They tend to tie the package up a bit more neatly than some others.

But... what if I must face this sort of "End of the World" calamity while the rest of you go on about your lives? What would it mean if Death and/or a horrible Evil presented themselves at my doorstep tonight?

Is there any consolation available for me or for those who will certainly face this battle this very night? Is there any hope? Did Christ prepare a battle plan for "The End of Their (My) World?" Will He fight for me, mounted upon His dazzling steading with a Sword coming from His mouth? Is that Sword meant to slice and puree His enemies, or does He simply have something of great importance to say?

The sad fact of the matter is, there is still a great deal of uncertainty concerning the eschaton (The Last Thing). The Good News is that each and everyone of us gets to find out what happens when our own world ends. End Time scenarios aside, YOUR world is doomed.

Last edited by pelathais; 01-04-2011 at 04:49 PM.
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