I've been thinking about this overnight. The story of The Good Samaritan comes to mind. He reached outside of his inner circle to help a stranger.
I think God expects us to definitely take care of the needs of our brothers and sisters, I think that's something we're required to do. And then from our excess we reach out to others. The Bible says that we should be blessed so that we have to give to the poor.
amen. Eph. 4:28 He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need.
__________________ If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart...
Abraham Lincoln
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Eph. 4:29
I've been thinking about this overnight. The story of The Good Samaritan comes to mind. He reached outside of his inner circle to help a stranger.
I think God expects us to definitely take care of the needs of our brothers and sisters, I think that's something we're required to do. And then from our excess we reach out to others. The Bible says that we should be blessed so that we have to give to the poor.
I wonder sometimes, though, if we even know the needs of the poor around us much less minister to them.
But... The needs could be very well known and met in abundance.
Our giving should have no other motives but to satisfy a need from a heart of compassion.
Should there not be some motive that the God that taught us what real love and real compassion are about get the glory for that?
I don't know if others do this but I often think about subjects such as this and I am not making a point... I am thinking about things for which I have no intended end.
But I wonder how much power of the love of God and his people is unseen because it is given to some secular organization rather than a person, a local church, a church community or an organization delivering to this need so that it can be seen that this was the body of Christ that affected this ministry rather than some wider secular entity.
In this present society (I am talking about the USA)... the poor are many times quite different from what was represented in Bible days....and for that matter earlier in the last century.
Although we do have genuine poor folks..( people who through no fault of their own have found themselves destitute.) the vast majority of what we call poor are there because they choose to be there or are drug, and alcohol abusers, or just simply lazy.
They have developed a lifestyle of sponging off of others and a mentality of entitlement. They live in filth and do absolutely nothing to better their situation.
They commit crimes, major and petty and feel abused when convicted of such.
I personally have seen my income drop a lot this year....I have had to cut a lot of things out, and have wondered where the next electric payment was coming from.
At the first of the year I lost a job I was working (the company lost its contract) and several in the church i pastor lost jobs too...so consequently it became very hard.(we are doing better now..Thank the Lord)
However i do not consider myself poor...I have not asked for anything from anybody, I dont take food stamps or any welfare....and with the help of God I will not in the future.
But it seems like everywhere I go I see folks with their hands out who could do better but refuse to do so.
I do not feel that God expects me to give one red cent to the "poor" of that ilk....and I refuse to be pressured by the guilt trips that some try to give.
In my opinion there are 3 types of poor.
1. The genuine poor, there because of job loss, sickness or age, and they do need help...and are trying to pull themselves out of their situation.
2. The mentally ill...not a whole lot we can do for therm....they need professional help.
3. The slackers, bums, lazy folks who just want someone else to take care of them.....sorry but I refuse to do so.
In this present society (I am talking about the USA)... the poor are many times quite different from what was represented in Bible days....and for that matter earlier in the last century.
Although we do have genuine poor folks..( people who through no fault of their own have found themselves destitute.) the vast majority of what we call poor are there because they choose to be there or are drug, and alcohol abusers, or just simply lazy.
They have developed a lifestyle of sponging off of others and a mentality of entitlement. They live in filth and do absolutely nothing to better their situation.
They commit crimes, major and petty and feel abused when convicted of such.
I personally have seen my income drop a lot this year....I have had to cut a lot of things out, and have wondered where the next electric payment was coming from.
At the first of the year I lost a job I was working (the company lost its contract) and several in the church i pastor lost jobs too...so consequently it became very hard.(we are doing better now..Thank the Lord)
However i do not consider myself poor...I have not asked for anything from anybody, I dont take food stamps or any welfare....and with the help of God I will not in the future.
But it seems like everywhere I go I see folks with their hands out who could do better but refuse to do so.
I do not feel that God expects me to give one red cent to the "poor" of that ilk....and I refuse to be pressured by the guilt trips that some try to give.
In my opinion there are 3 types of poor.
1. The genuine poor, there because of job loss, sickness or age, and they do need help...and are trying to pull themselves out of their situation.
2. The mentally ill...not a whole lot we can do for therm....they need professional help.
3. The slackers, bums, lazy folks who just want someone else to take care of them.....sorry but I refuse to do so.
Matthew 19:21
Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Should there not be some motive that the God that taught us what real love and real compassion are about get the glory for that?
I don't know if others do this but I often think about subjects such as this and I am not making a point... I am thinking about things for which I have no intended end.
But I wonder how much power of the love of God and his people is unseen because it is given to some secular organization rather than a person, a local church, a church community or an organization delivering to this need so that it can be seen that this was the body of Christ that affected this ministry rather than some wider secular entity.
As AQP articulated, the larger orgs have their place as they more faithfully provide services for the poor and needy that I couldn't do on my own. I couldn't provide intensive food and medical treatment to an entire village, but I could send money.
To what you are saying, I think you are on to something. It's not either/or but both/and. We need to, as the Good Samaritan, dirty our hands with the needs in our own city as well. Sending off a check is not our religious duty that has made us righteous, but rather we are living in cities to bring about full redemption and restoration to the death around us. Little drops of love that bring life to an entire city. It's not a ploy to come to your church. It's the byproduct of lives overcome by Grace that have no other choice but to live graciously.
As AQP articulated, the larger orgs have their place as they more faithfully provide services for the poor and needy that I couldn't do on my own. I couldn't provide intensive food and medical treatment to an entire village, but I could send money.
To what you are saying, I think you are on to something. It's not either/or but both/and. We need to, as the Good Samaritan, dirty our hands with the needs in our own city as well. Sending off a check is not our religious duty that has made us righteous, but rather we are living in cities to bring about full redemption and restoration to the death around us. Little drops of love that bring life to an entire city. It's not a ploy to come to your church. It's the byproduct of lives overcome by Grace that have no other choice but to live graciously.