Originally Posted by Praxeas
The scalp has tons and tons of capillaries...it's always gonna be a bloody mess. Glad he's doing good
First of all, Sherri, glad your son is doing all right.
My son fell doing rock climbing (20 yrs ago). It's a lonnnggg story, but when he was on his way to ER in the ambulance....then we were called so we could meet them at the hospital. (they didn't call when he was 1st injured....panicked parents just get in the way of the rescue....as in falling off a rock cliff about a mile from Mt Rushmore...AND it took a few hours to get him down )
In any event while they checked him for any serious damage they placed his head at the top of the gurney so the blood could drip on the floor......
As Prax said, head bleeds easily so they weren't worried about that; but it drove me nuts to sit there and watch blood dripping_________after everything else was completed,they cleaned his head and stapled it shut.
Thank the Lord for His mercy and goodness. When all was said and done his only "real" medical need was a cast for a broken wrist.