Originally Posted by LadyChocolate
Okay, I gotta ask you guys out there. Are you really attracted to the "dumb" blonde. when I was in school, it was the rage to have that blonde hair and many many girls i knew "acted" the part. They weren't really that dumb but they acted it for attention. For some strange reason, they thought the guys liked that. Just wondering....
LC, I'm not a guy so I can't answer your question.
But I can tell you that I saw the same thing happening when I was young. And that was the fastest turn-off to me that there could have been. Any guy who wanted a girl to be dumber than him had a very low estimation of their own self-worth in my book. Why would I want to be with someone like that? Nope. I wanted the top of the class. And I wanted him to want someone who was at least his equal, if not smarter. And that's just what I got