Originally Posted by Twisp
American Muslims were killed in the attacks also. Why shouldn't they be able to build a mosque/cultural center close to ground zero to commemorate all who were lost?
No group should be discriminated against simply because of their religion.
1. They have over 100 mosques in NYC already.
2. It would be located in too close proximity to Ground Zero and it offends the sensibilities of 52% of NYC residents as per recent polling. 31% are in favor and that would be the more liberal Manhattan residents -1, 629,054 pop.
3. As Newt Gingrich has pointed out - "There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The time for double standards that allow Islamists to behave aggressively toward us while they demand our weakness and submission is over."
4. If claiming to want relationship building and healing - why build in an area that offends the sensibilities of the majority and why spend $100 million to do the offending?
5. Where is the funding coming from? Rauf says not from foreign sources, but he tells a London newspaper a different story - "And Rauf is rather vague about where the estimated $100 million is coming from to build this 13-story tower.
The imam said the money would be raised here.
But he told a London newspaper that Muslim nations would also fund this project." http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local...-99967009.html
6. Why call it the Cordoba House, initially, and then say you are not alluding to the Caliphate of Cordoba, which we know,
"The rule of the Caliphate is known as the heyday of Muslim presence in the Iberian peninsula." Caliphate of Córdoba -
7. Why change the name to Park51 after the uproar over "Cordoba House"? “Cordoba,” in Islamic symbolic terms, means Islamic rule in the West.
Just a few of the concerns with the NYC Cordoba Mosque.