Pel, I see that you selected "A human spirit talking". Do you think a dead (or something else, like on an out-of-body-experience or something) can speak to living humans, audibly (to the living)?
To be honest, I don't know. I would tend to automatically discount any such claims.
I have "spoken" with "ghosts" - but never audibly. And, I am taking a great deal of liberty with the words "spoken" and "ghosts."
When I was a kid I used to have nightmares of being chased by "soldiers." That may have been from seeing "Sound of Music" in the theater (alone) when I was about 5 years old (the nazis chase the Von Trapp family); or it may be something more Jungian. Driving through the Ozarks this past week brought a lot of that back. My ancestors were driven through that region at gunpoint some time back.
My name is "David" yet there was no one in my family named "David." My brother's name is a common name used in every generation going back for a couple hundred years. I used to ask where they got "David" and got some odd stories obviously intended to shut me up.
My father and my paternal grandfather were both rather acerbic atheists and openly scoffed at religion. My great grandfather in that line was a "half blood" Cherokee Reverend. His father was just "some guy" whose picture hung on the wall.
I was left to speculate and guess about the connections because my father and grandfather hated religion so much and refused to talk about whatever they knew of the family's past. After I entered the ministry, my uncle rather covertly revealed that my great grandfather was a minister as well. That was the first that I had ever heard of it. He died before I was born and his wife (my great grandmother) never spoke or his religion of faith at all. I suspect that he had a rather hard falling out with faith in the 1920's, about the time he brought the family to the state where I live.
It turns out, "the guy on the wall" (my great-great grandfather) was a white minister who carried on missionary work amongst the Indians and "freedmen" that his ancestors had begun back at the time of the Great Awakening. His name was "Henry" - but get this, his father's name was "David." And that David's grandfather was named David as well. Both David's were preachers who had pastored and founded churches in North and South Carolina.
The "ghosts" sort of "spoke" to me. I honestly don't think my father ever knew the name of the father of the "guy on the wall;" yet he named me after that "unknown ancestor" for some reason.
My name is "David" yet there was no one in my family named "David." My brother's name is a common named used in every generation going back for a couple hundred years. I used to ask where they got "David" and got some odd stories obviously intended to shut me up.
My father and my paternal grandfather were both rather acerbic atheists and openly scoffed at religion. My great grandfather in that line was a "half blood" Cherokee Reverend. His father was just "some guy" whose picture hung on the wall.
I was left to speculate and guess about the connections because my father and grandfather hated religion so much and refused to talk about whatever they knew of the family's past. After I entered the ministry, my uncle rather covertly revealed that my great grandfather was a minister as well. That was the first that I had ever heard of it. He died before I was born and his wife (my great grandmother) never spoke or his religion of faith at all. I suspect that he had a rather hard falling out with faith in the 1920's, about the time he brought the family to the state where I live.
It turns out, "the guy on the wall" (my great-great grandfather) was a white minister who carried on missionary work amongst the Indians and "freedmen" that his ancestors had begun back at the time of the Great Awakening. His name was "Henry" - but get this, his father's name was "David." And that David's grandfather was named David as well. Both David's were preachers who had pastored and founded churches in North and South Carolina.
The "ghosts" sort of "spoke" to me. I honestly don't think my father ever knew the name of the father of the "guy on the wall;" yet he named me after that "unknown ancestor" for some reason.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
my x wife used to hear voices and see visions. as our marriage progressed and years went by i learned that she was severely bipolar,and as a child the schools wanted her to see a doctor.her parents would not have it. very disfuntional with lots of dark secrets. so she was always told it was a gift by her very manipulative mother. (they were also brahnamites) after she had an afair with a co worker our marriage ended after twenty years and four wonderfull sons. its sad but i know in her case at least it was an illness and a curse. not some gift .
my x wife used to hear voices and see visions. as our marriage progressed and years went by i learned that she was severely bipolar,and as a child the schools wanted her to see a doctor.her parents would not have it. very disfuntional with lots of dark secrets. so she was always told it was a gift by her very manipulative mother. (they were also brahnamites) after she had an afair with a co worker our marriage ended after twenty years and four wonderfull sons. its sad but i know in her case at least it was an illness and a curse. not some gift .
Sorry you went through that. Must have been tough.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I am not sure what I believe about "human spirits" which would be the same as "ghosts".
If a human spirit can leave their resting place to come back and haunt or give a message, why haven't any of them ever talked about hell?
Or if their soul is in hell, but their spirit is roaming the earth, would that mean all other spirits are able to freely separate themselves from their souls?
Did GOD allow the spirit or ghost of Samuel to be conjured by the seer, or did Samuel's flesh and blood come back to life just long enough to talk to Saul?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."