Here's my summary from LS's "Order of Creation" as he preached a few weeks ago a a local church.
Summary of Stoneking's exegesis:
God established an order or rule of submission called "The Order of Creation", which is built from
1 Corinthians 11:3; But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Thus it is layed out: God, Christ, Man, Woman. When a man or woman does not comply with this order, they are out of God's will. This is accomplished by men having long hair and woman having cut hair. Angels and the spirit realm are confused when a woman enters the presence of God with cut hair, in fact, a woman should not bother entering God presence or casting out demons if she has cut hair. A woman's hair can easily be "uncut" simply when a woman makes up her mind that it is wrong to cut her hair. From that point on, her hair is uncut and she is now back in line with the God's order of creation.
Evil angels seek women that are outside of God's order of creation by their unwillingness to keep their hair uncut. After roughly two years of not cutting their hair men begin to fight the spirit of homosexualism. Verse 10 shows that a woman has power on her head through/by/with angels. The power refers to authority, which is spiritual authority. Women have authority over angels by their uncut hair, something men cannot do. Woman can and should use this spiritual authority to use angels to protect and guard their homes, kids and husband. Thus, the full order of creation is: God, Christ, Man, Woman, Angels. There is nothing "magical" about a woman's uncut head of hair, but rather it is her faith that God will honor for her willingness to fulfill God's proper order of creation. There is nothing wrong with a woman letting down her hair to lay it over a loved one in order to remind God that she has followed the order of creation by not cutting her hair.