I think the black helicopter folks finally got him. He is probably in some secret one world government prison on the same island they are keeping JFK in his vegatative state from the severe brain injury incurred in Dallas.
I think the black helicopter folks finally got him. He is probably in some secret one world government prison on the same island they are keeping JFK in his vegatative state from the severe brain injury incurred in Dallas.
I think the black helicopter folks finally got him. He is probably in some secret one world government prison on the same island they are keeping JFK in his vegatative state from the severe brain injury incurred in Dallas.
I thought of him because him and I were at it about 9/11 not too long ago and he insisted there was no way it could have happened like it did.
There is someone else who argued that no plane was involved with the Pentagon, but I can't remember who that was.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
The thing with the towers is that no one was able to get up there to inspect how much of the structural steel had been damaged by the impact, so there's no telling how much damage existed before the fire got hot enough to cause the steel to buckle. The thing that still remains a mystery is how the building fell as fast as it did. According to what I have read, they both came down at such a fast rate of speed that it was as if the buildings were free falling, rather than one floor landing on top of each lower floor. There is a lot about 9/11 I doubt will ever be explained, to be honest with you.
9/11 was a true terrorist attack, and was an attempt to disarm us from our stance of preparedness. The Twin Towers came down after the impact, due to possible flaws in the original design as well as the thousands of gallons of jet fuel that exploded.