i am just giddy that she said it and exposed herself for what she is.
and I am just as happy as i can be that she is gone.
I assume then that you don't agree with what she said about the Jews being occupiers and that they should get out and go home to Germany, Poland, and the US?
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Re: Helen Thomas
Originally Posted by Sam
I assume then that you don't agree with what she said about the Jews being occupiers and that they should get out and go home to Germany, Poland, and the US?
I am just giddy that she said it and exposed herself for what she is.
and I am just as happy as I can be that she is gone.
It saves me starting an email campaign telling people to call and get her fired, with the little note in all caps at the bottom that says you are anti-Semitic if you don't forward it to 10 people.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
I assume then that you don't agree with what she said about the Jews being occupiers and that they should get out and go home to Germany, Poland, and the US?
LOL! Its funny Sam, I was on a rant about HT last week just before this broke. She is just a liberal flame thrower and it seems in recent years she has begun to believe her own press.
then she comes out and says something any right thinking person would find just beyond the pale and she gets rid of herself!
I could not be more offended by her words and i could not be more happy she said them!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I thought that I read somewhere that Helen was Jewish herself, but I did a quick check and couldn't verify that. I guess I'm getting her mixed up with someone else.
A Jewish guy I was listening to said that the Jews vote Democrat because they are real big on freedom. That makes sense for them to feel that way, while the end game isn't really free.
She's of Lebanese descent. Her parents were "Orthodox" Christians who immigrated years ago.
As one press secretary said to her "thanks for the hezbolla view" So appropiate !
Bro. Tony Snow, said it ever so well, God rest his soul!!! GW's press secretary, but died of cancer. He was a great guy, and a brother in the Lord.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)