Originally Posted by Lacey
I'm laughing with you!!

That is too funny!
Actually Peter sent me an e-mail with the
first two stories I started this thread with!
He sends some really funny ones all the way
from Newfoundland, Canada.
Way to go, Bro. Peter Wells!!!
On Nov.22, 2008, Bro. Peter posted his powerful
testimony on AFF. I responded and we exchanged
e-mails and also with his wife, Iva. Last Sept. 09,
they flew to Texas and spent 10 days, visiting and
going to church with us several times. They also got
to be here to celebrate my 70th birthday party.
These are two of the most precious people you could
ever meet. We communicate regularly by e-mail,
FB, or phone.
This has been one of the benefits of being on AFF. I
have met other wonderful people who have become
dear precious friends. They know who they are! But
you are special treasures and I love each of you.