Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Go Arizona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad our people in office in AZ aren't like the pansies in DC who are currently pandering to el Presidente Caleron and criticizing SB 1070. I sent an email to Mr. Pierce and have requested friends and other supporters to voice their support. He's going to get some heat for sure. Though mostly from people outside of Arizona.
Originally Posted by SteppingStone
I read somewhere people from AZ are now canceling vacations to Calif.. LOL!!
Yes, there is a grassroots effort to have people spend their vacation either in Arizona or somewhere other than California. A lot of people I know like to visit San Diego because it's not too far to drive, between 5 to 7 hours, depending on stops.
Some of my family take an annual 2wk trip to San Diego to visit Sea World and the beach, but will not be going this year. Instead they'll be traveling around the state keeping money here.
I've heard the San Diego tourism office is trying to quell this by saying the L.A. and San Diego council's vote was just symbolic and not meant to hurt Arizona. Right.
Originally Posted by Sam
This is the caliber of two top government leaders in the BHO gang. Both have publicly and officially condemned the recent Arizona law but neither has even read it.
When pressed by Sen. McCain, Napolitano said she was "aware of the law" or "had heard of" the law but it was not the kind of law she would have signed. "Aware of the law?" "Heard of the law?"
Napolitano would have vetoed it. She vetoed any law that remotely came close to curbing illegal immigration. The only bill she signed was the bill that fined or took the license of businesses who knowingly hired illegals.
Originally Posted by Ferd
anybody think Holder will now have a beer summit?
I think BHO, Holder, Napolitano, Calderon, and AZ Gov Brewer should have a beer summit, since that's the way BHO gets his facts straight. He's gotta get smashed before he can get things straight in his head.