Sorry, I was busy praying...but I am back now. Yes, that is correct...As many as receive him, to them he gives the power to become the sons of God, to those who BELIEVE in his name....please, no additions nor subtractions.
Sorry, I was busy praying...but I am back now. Yes, that is correct...As many as receive him, to them he gives the power to become the sons of God, to those who BELIEVE in his name....please, no additions nor subtractions.
OK, here are two definitions of that word "power" there.
1. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" The word power here means authority. If anyone receives Jesus (accepts Jesus as personal Savior) he then has the authority/right to go on and get baptized in Jesus' name and receive the HGB (Holy Ghost Baptism) and by doing so becomes a son of God.
2. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" What is this power? Jesus defines it in Acts 1:4-8. It is the HGB. In other words, if you really receive Jesus, you speak with tongues and are born again. But it is also qualified by believing on His name and if you really believe on His name you will be baptized in that name.
Welcome to the AFF (dysfunctional) family.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
Sorry, I was busy praying...but I am back now. Yes, that is correct...As many as receive him, to them he gives the power to become the sons of God, to those who BELIEVE in his name....please, no additions nor subtractions.
So Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus was just idle chatter? Specifically where Jesus stated that a person will not see the kingdom of God unless they've been born again of the water and the spirit? That would demand some kind of action from an individual?
It's not as though one could sit still and suddenly, viola, I'm borned again!
If absolutely no action is required, why Paul's statement that faith without works is dead, being alone.
So Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus was just idle chatter? Specifically where Jesus stated that a person will not see the kingdom of God unless they've been born again of the water and the spirit? ...
Jesus did not say a person had to be born again of the water and the spirit.
He answered Nicodemus' question about how a person can be born when he is old or already born and showed him the difference between the first birth (born of water referencing the water or amniotic fluid that accompanies that first birth) and the second birth or rebirth which is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. He then goes on (in verses 10-21) and explains that the new birth happens when one believes in Jesus. In verse 14 He uses the illustration of how the sinning Israelites were healed by looking upon the serpent on the pole to show how folks are healed/saved/born again in this NT or Kingdom age by looking by faith upon Jesus on the cross. In verse 11 He says that He and others know people and have seen people who have been born again.
How do I go to the fellowship hall, or do I have to "work" my way over?
Go to the top of this page and click "Apostolic Friends Forum". Then go down the list on the left-hand side of the page and click on "Fellowship Hall". Each time you sign on, you should see "Fellowship Hall" at the top of the page.
Go to the top of this page and click "Apostolic Friends Forum". Then go down the list on the left-hand side of the page and click on "Fellowship Hall". Each time you sign on, you should see "Fellowship Hall" at the top of the page.
Sounds like work, to me!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
When I first signed on, it was only on thread that I was interested in, in fact, I didn't know there were any others. So every time I signed on, I would go to an email someone sent me with the url of that thread, click on it, and then sign in. It was the only way I knew how to find AFF. And I only posted on that thread for a long time.
I think the worst thing that ever happened to me was when I found out about the rest of the forum!
Jesus did not say a person had to be born again of the water and the spirit.
He answered Nicodemus' question about how a person can be born when he is old or already born and showed him the difference between the first birth (born of water referencing the water or amniotic fluid that accompanies that first birth) and the second birth or rebirth which is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. He then goes on (in verses 10-21) and explains that the new birth happens when one believes in Jesus. In verse 14 He uses the illustration of how the sinning Israelites were healed by looking upon the serpent on the pole to show how folks are healed/saved/born again in this NT or Kingdom age by looking by faith upon Jesus on the cross. In verse 11 He says that He and others know people and have seen people who have been born again.
Right, that's what I meant. Jesus said a person must be born again ... then after that He said they must be born of the water and the spirit.